Artisan food from the West Nordic Countries

Kirjoittaja Artesaaniruuan suomenmestaruuskilpailu – blogi » 2 lokakuu 2016 | Kommentit

The West Nordic countries, Faroe islands, Greenland and Iceland have a distinctive food culture and traditions that have strong influence on the way food is produced and consumed today. The island isolation, small population, natural and cultural environment have all played its role. What is special about the food in these countries and why, how was it in the past and how is it now, what is happening, new products, what type of assistance is given to artisans/small scale producers?

About the speaThora Valsdottirker:

Thora Valsdottir is a food scientist, working as a consultant at Matís, Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D institute.

She has been involved in numerous projects on local food, food innovation and product development the last 10 years. Small or large, the projects ranging from one-to-one consultancy to consortium and strategy building with Icelandic, West-Nordic, Nordic and European partners.


Miniseminaari keskiviikkona 12.10. klo 13.30-15.

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