Producers from Estonia were successful in The Open Finnish Championship in Food Craftsmanship
Baltic food craftsmanship has long traditions and is known for its innovation and high quality. That was proved also last fall, when The Open Finnish Championship in Food Craftsmanship was arranged for the second time in Ekenäs, Raseborg. The competition was open for Nordic and Baltic producers and seven products from the Baltic countries took part this time.
Toores Jõud OÜ received a gold medal for their Meadowsweet Jelly in the competition class Seasoned jelly. Maria Mägi from Toores Jõud OÜ did not personally visit the Championship in Finland but she is pleased with the award. - The award received has naturally helped me to promote my products both in various events and in social media, Maria says. The golden stickers look nice and they are fun to stick. My customers have been interested in the awarded product. The products can be found in stores ig. Tallinna Kaubamaja and in various markets.
Maidla Sillaotsa received an official recognition of excellence for their Cold pressed hemp oil which competed in the class Natural oils. The jury was convinced by the high quality of the product, which they evaluated to be ready for the market. – Participating in the competition has given us a good marketing value, as we can tell how highly our product was rated by the judges says Aavo Mitt from Maidla Sillaotsa.
Maidla Sillaotsa farm is an agricultural producer of grain crops sins 1991. The company started experimenting with oil culture three years ago on a few hectares and after the first harvest of hemp decided to manufacture cold press hemp oil. The products are sold in various shops and markets and directly from the farm.
The next Championship in March 2018 welcomes food artisans from the Baltic states
The Open Finnish Championship in Food Craftsmanship 2018 is to be held 21-23 March 2018 in Raseborg on Finland’s south coast. The judging of products takes place in Ekenäs on March 22 and the awards ceremony will take place on March 23. During the competition, seminars, field trips and other programs that attract and unite enthusiasts in food craftsmanship will be organised.
The competition is organised to increase awareness of food craftsmanship and encourage its development. In organising the championship there is a desire to protect and preserve the concept of food craftsmanship and the values that the term represents. Consumer awareness increases through the competition and the winning products. In the future this will lead to increased awareness and sales.
The Open Finnish Championship in Food Craftsmanship 2018 is open to producers from Finland, other Nordic countries and the Baltic States. The precondition is that the products are processed in an artisanal way, and are based on local or domestic raw materials with known origins. Only products manufactured by companies and which are available for general sale can compete.
The competition categories are: Dairy products, Charcuterie products, fish products, bakery products, berry and fruit products, vegetable and mushroom products, cold sauces, snacks, Nordic beverages and innovative food craftmanship.
Background information of the awarded companies in Estonian:
Toores Jõud OÜ
Toores jõud on loomulik jõud. Muidugimõista loov ja edasiviiv jõud nagu loodus oma loomulikul moel ongi. Kõik on meil metsik. Katsume koos kõigiga, kes on siin valinud omale elupaiga alates umbrohust lõpetades metssigadega, koos hakkama saada.
Toores jõud katsub kasvatada mahedal alal kõrvitsaid ja kabatsokke, aeduba ja salateid, sekka veel üht- teist ja kui suvisest saagist värskelt söömisest miskit üle jääb, saab sügisel ja talvel vaaritada moose, teha taimeteesid ja mõnusaid kuivatatud näkse, mida vast mujalt ei leiagi.
Maidla Sillaotsa Talu
Sillaotsa talu rajas Maidla külla 1927. aastal praeguse perenaise vanaisa Johannes Viiul. Ta sai olla talu peremees kuni Teise Maailmasõjani. Küüditamise ohvriks langes kogu Sillaotsa talu pere.
Sillaotsa talu registreeriti ametlikult äriregistris 1997.aastal, kahjuks oli aga nimi Sillaotsa talu juba kasutusel ja seetõttu sai talu nimeks Maidla Sillaotsa talu. Samal aastal kirjutas kohalik leht „Harjumaa”, talu tegemistest ja uuris, kuidas sellisel keerulisel ajal äri säilitada. Kuna Maidla Sillaotsa talu on üks maakonna edukamaid ja mitmekülgsemaid ettevõtteid tuli „Harjumaa” jälle talu tegemisi kaema. Vahepeal oli päris palju muutunud, peaaegu kogu vana tehnika mis omal ajal Soomest saadi oli selleks ajaks uuema vastu välja vahetatud, taastatud laudahoone ja ehitatud masinakuur ning laiendatud kuivati hoonet.
2004 aasta seisuga on talu suurus 130 ha, sellest haritavat maad on 94 ha ja metsamaad 13 ha. Talu tootmissuunaks on endiselt teraviljakasvatus. Rajatud viljakuivatis kuivatatakse ja sorteeritakse nii oma vilja kui tehakse ka teenust teistele. Teravilja turustatakse suurematele kokkuostjatele. Suuri investeeringuid on tehtud masinatesse ja tootmisvahenditesse.