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Forskningsomrade Kultur som forandringskraft
Bothnia Business Heritage
1.1.2023 - 31.8.2025
Faculty of Arts and Culture Culture as a Force for Change
Project banner
1.3.2023 - 28.2.2025
Forskningsomrade Systemomstallning for att bygga resiliens
NorNa - Nordisk naturfiber i cirkulär ekonomi
1.4.2023 - 31.3.2026
Faculty of Bioeconomy Systemic Transformation to Build Resilience
Forskningsomrade Valbefinnande i samhallet
Integration 2.0
1.6.2023 - 31.12.2025
Faculty of Health and Welfare Well-being in Society
Forskningsomrade Valbefinnande i samhallet
Gyllene stunden på äldreboenden
1.6.2023 - 31.12.2025
Faculty of Health and Welfare Well-being in Society
Forskningsomrade hallbara samhallen och foretag
BSR Go-abroad
21.6.2023 - 31.1.2027
Faculty of Business Sustainable Communities and Businesses
Forskningsomrade Valbefinnande i samhallet
Förberedande program för internationella talanger
28.6.2023 - 30.6.2025
Faculty of Health and Welfare Well-being in Society
Forskningsomrade Systemomstallning for att bygga resiliens
F.E.L.T. Wool - Future Emergence of Local Textiles based on WOOL
1.8.2023 - 31.8.2025
Faculty of Bioeconomy Systemic Transformation to Build Resilience
Forskningsomrade hallbara samhallen och foretag
Carbon Neutral Experience 2.0
1.8.2023 - 31.7.2025
Faculty of Business Sustainable Communities and Businesses