No admission 2025!

The programme can be completed as a full-time (1,5 years) or part-time student (2 years).


There are, on average, two to four contact days per month, usually on Fridays and Saturdays, otherwise students work mainly online. In addition to the individual assignments, group work based learning plays an important role in the studies.

The studies consist of following advanced studies:

  • Service Design, 30 ECTS
  • Research and Development, 10 ECTS
  • Leadership and Financial studies, 10 ECTS
  • Master’s Thesis, 30 ECTS
  • Elective Studies, 10 ECTS

The studies are strongly oriented towards working life. Students are guided to apply in practice the theories discussed, and this way understand their relevance. The focus is on ideations and development of services for different organisations. The projects are connected to the existing work tasks of the students, which give them an excellent opportunity to develop their existing work and this way benefit their present employer as well. Students also get an insight in starting or developing their own business.

Företagsekonomi gruppdiskussion

Study Objectives

The Master’s Degree Programme in Service Design answers the constantly growing competence requirements and needs in service design, businesses and working life. The profile of the programme is on the combination of design thinking, business and society and the focus is on the area of service design. To learn to design, develop and implement the tasks by sharing information and communication in collaboration with the customers and stakeholders belong to the main objectives of this programme. The different professional and cultural backgrounds of the students will enable a dynamic and interactive learning environment. It gives the students a great chance to create new networks with other experts beyond fields, both in Finland and globally.

The degree programme in Service Design delivers generic competences and programme specific competences. The competence includes knowledge, skills and attitudes. With the programme specific competences, the student will be able to:

  • Implement Design Thinking principles
  • Create ideas and solutions with the help of Service Design approach
  • Analyse and develop services through critical thinking
  • Develop teamwork skills and manage different projects in national and international context
  • Understand the aspects of cultural, social, economic and sustainable activities in Service Design
  • Implement ethical and working community competences

General eligibility for Master’s degree programmes at universities of applied sciences according to the recommendation for admission criteria. Eligibility for a UAS Master’s degree programme is conferred by an appropriate UAS Bachelor’s degree or another appropriate higher education degree and at least two years of subsequent work experience in a relevant field.

Master of Business Administration, Service Design

  • Field of study: Business
  • Extent: 2 years 90 Credits
  • Form: Masters´s Degree - Full- or part-time studies
  • Location: Turku
  • Application period:

Previous Knowledge

You can apply for Master of Business Administration, Service Design if you have completed

  • Bachelor's degree and/or master's degree
  • Minimum 24 months of work in a related field after completion of bachelor's degree


Scholarships and Tuition Fees

The studies are free for EU citizens.

Tuition fee-paying (non EU/EEA) students can apply for a scholarship. Read more about tuition fees and scholarships on the Admissions Services pages.


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The Master's thesis is a working life-based development project and an important part of the Master’s degree. The Master’s thesis is a demanding development project or research work combining theory, praxis and creation of new knowledge. Students are given the freedom of choice to concentrate on those topics, which are of special interest to them as well as to their present and future career plans.

Usually, the thesis subjects and aims are based on requirements and needs of working life. The thesis is an applied study research, and it emphasizes development of the work, the organisation or the working community. Conducting the Master’s thesis project requires independent and demanding expertise. The student gives proof of mastering the methods of retrieving information, research and development as well as the skills of adapting research information in an analytical and critical manner.

In the Master’s thesis the student is able to:

  • combine theoretical framework and pragmatic work with the contextual needs in a development or research project
  • network and communicate professionally with relevant organisations and communities
  • evaluate critically sources and methods, select the suitable ones and use them systematically and ethically
  • document, report and give a presentation of the project or research status and the final results
Some recently published Master’s theses (click on the name of the theses to read it)

Continuing Education Opportunities

The programme in Service Design leads to a higher professional qualification, and it is strongly oriented towards working life.

Career Opportunities

The programme in Service Design leads to a higher professional qualification, and it is strongly oriented towards working life. After graduation the students will be prepared to work with leadership and service design tasks within different organisations which want to develop their services.

The programme also gives students an insight in starting or developing their own business. The studies give students an advanced knowledge base for leadership tasks of multi professionals and tools for the future leadership challenges in the business.


An international learning environment will be realized by students and teachers having an international background and experience.

Language of Instruction

The programme is offered in English.

Cooperation With Other Actors

The studies are planned and organized in a multi professional way in collaboration with Turku UAS and Novia UAS.

The focus, study contents and ways of implementation of the programme are planned together with the working life interest groups. Close contacts and co-operation with the working life also continue in programme implementation and continuous development.

Continuing Education Opportunities

With a Master´s degree, students are able to continue to university post-graduate (licentiate/doctoral) studies, however universities may at their own discretion have specific admission requirements for post-graduate studies that must be met in addition to a completed Master’s degree.

Research Focus

Studies are characterised by a research and development approach. The students are welcome to join potential research and development projects running at the university of applied sciences.


The Master’s Degree Programme in Service Design is a university of applied sciences post-graduate degree.

Under the Finnish legislation, a person who has taken the Master’s degree is qualified for posts or positions for which the qualification requirement is a second-cycle higher education degree. In some cases, the qualification requirement also includes the completion of studies in certain specified fields of study. The degree falls under the Article 11 of the Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications, level e.

Webinar for Applicants to Master's Degree Programmes

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply?

Selection Method

Master of Business Administration, Sustainable Business Design

Selection method 1: GMAT or GRE-test

Applicants that do not have a Finnish UAS Bachelor's degree can be selected based on their result in the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT/GMAT Focus Edition) or the Graduate Records Examinations (GRE).

The minimum test score that the applicant must reach in order to be qualified for selection is 500 from the GMAT test. Scores from the GMAT Focus Edition and the GRE-test are converted to GMAT scores and applicants are ranked based on their converted test score in the admission process.

The GMAT Focus Edition are converted to GMAT Exam scores by using the Concordance Table. Please note that where scores overlap in the concordance tables, the scores will be converted in favour of the candidate.

The GRE test result must be converted to GMAT test result by using the GRE Comparison Tool. When converting the score, only the Verbal Reasoning Score and Quantitative Reasoning Score of the GRE test are taken into consideration. 

The official test results must be shared with Novia UAS and available for verification at the testing organisation's verification service no later than 31 January 2025 at 15:00 pm (Finnish time).  Test scores that are not verifiable will not be considered in the selection process. Remember to fill in the application form at Studyinfo during the application period and upload a copy of your score result in the online application form no later than 31 January.

Share your score result with Novia UAS via the test provider's platform using the following code:

  • Novia's GRE-code: 1185
  • Novia's GMAT-code: 5DW-ZW-26

GMAT and GRE test results are valid for five (5) years after the test day. For 2025 admissions, the oldest acceptable test day is 9 January 2020.

Novia UAS accepts the GMAT online exam and GRE General at Home. 

Selection method 2: Certificate-based selection based on a Finnish UAS Bachelor's degree

Applicants that have a UAS Bachelor's degree completed in Finland can be admitted based on their UAS Bachelor's degree certificate. Note! UAS Master's degrees are not considered.

Applicants with an UAS Bachelor's degree certificate are ranked by their weighted average grade with two decimals. The weighted average grade is calculated from the UAS Bachelor's degree course grades which are visible in the My Studyinfo-service in the section My completed studies (only available in Finnish/Swedish).

To be considered in this selection method, the applicant must save a link to the degree information found in the My Studyinfo service in the joint application form. The applicant should also submit a copy of his or her degree certificate appendix. The weighted average grade will be calculated based on the degree certificate appendix only if the information about the degree and course grades is not available in the My Studyinfo service.

If the applicant has completed more than one UAS Bachelor degree, the grades are considered for the degree which gives a better average. The courses within courses shown in the service are not included in the grade average. The verbally assessed courses are not considered in calculating the grade average (e.g. approved/pass / hyväksytty/suoritettu/godkänd).

When calculating the weighted average grade, the numerically assessed study units are weighted (except final thesis); in other words, the grade for the study unit is multiplied by the number of credits received from course in question. The weighted grades are calculated together and the total is divided by the number of credits received from the numerically assessed courses. The result is a weighted average grade rounded to two decimal places. You can use this excel to calculate your weighted average grade.

Master of Business Administration, Digital Business and Management

Selection method 1: GMAT or GRE-test

Applicants that do not have a Finnish UAS Bachelor's degree can be selected based on their result in the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT/GMAT Focus Edition) or the Graduate Records Examinations (GRE).

The minimum test score that the applicant must reach in order to be qualified for selection is 500 from the GMAT test. Scores from the GMAT Focus Edition and the GRE-test are converted to GMAT scores and applicants are ranked based on their converted test score in the admission process.

The GMAT Focus Edition are converted to GMAT Exam scores by using the Concordance Table. Please note that where scores overlap in the concordance tables, the scores will be converted in favour of the candidate.

The GRE test result must be converted to GMAT test result by using the GRE Comparison Tool. When converting the score, only the Verbal Reasoning Score and Quantitative Reasoning Score of the GRE test are taken into consideration. 

The official test results must be shared with Novia UAS and available for verification at the testing organisation's verification service no later than 31 January 2025 at 15:00 pm (Finnish time).  Test scores that are not verifiable will not be considered in the selection process. Remember to fill in the application form at Studyinfo during the application period and upload a copy of your score result in the online application form no later than 31 January.

Share your score result with Novia UAS via the test provider's platform using the following code:

  • Novia's GRE-code: 1185
  • Novia's GMAT-code: 5DW-ZW-26

GMAT and GRE test results are valid for five (5) years after the test day. For 2025 admissions, the oldest acceptable test day is 9 January 2020.

Novia UAS accepts the GMAT online exam and GRE General at Home. 

Selection method 2: Certificate-based selection based on a Finnish UAS Bachelor's degree

Applicants that have a UAS Bachelor's degree completed in Finland can be admitted based on their UAS Bachelor's degree certificate. Note! UAS Master's degrees are not considered.

Applicants with an UAS Bachelor's degree certificate are ranked by their weighted average grade with two decimals. The weighted average grade is calculated from the UAS Bachelor's degree course grades which are visible in the My Studyinfo service in the section My completed studies (only available in Finnish/Swedish).

To be considered in this selection method, the applicant must save a link to the degree information found in the My Studyinfo service in the joint application form. The applicant should also submit a copy of his or her degree certificate appendix. The weighted average grade will be calculated based on the degree certificate appendix only if the information about the degree and course grades is not available in the My Studyinfo service.

If the applicant has completed more than one UAS Bachelor degree, the grades are considered for the degree which gives a better average. The courses within courses shown in the service are not included in the grade average. The verbally assessed courses are not considered in calculating the grade average (e.g. approved/pass / hyväksytty/suoritettu/godkänd).

When calculating the weighted average grade, the numerically assessed study units are weighted (except final thesis); in other words, the grade for the study unit is multiplied by the number of credits received from course in question. The weighted grades are calculated together and the total is divided by the number of credits received from the numerically assessed courses. The result is a weighted average grade rounded to two decimal places. You can use this excel to calculate your weighted average grade.

Service Design, MBA, Separate Application 29.7-12.8.2024

Selection method 1: GMAT and GRE-test 

Applicants that do not have a Finnish UAS Bachelor's degree can be selected based on their result in the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT/GMAT Focus Edition) or the Graduate Records Examinations (GRE).

The minimum test score that the applicant must reach in order to be qualified for selection is 500 from the GMAT test. Scores from the GMAT Focus Edition and the GRE-test are converted to GMAT scores and applicants are ranked based on their converted test score in the admission process.

The GMAT Focus Edition are converted to GMAT Exam scores by using the Concordance Table. Please note that where scores overlap in the concordance tables, the scores will be converted in favour of the candidate.

The GRE test result must be converted to GMAT test result by using the GRE Comparison Tool. When converting the score, only the Verbal Reasoning Score and Quantitative Reasoning Score of the GRE test are taken into consideration. 

Novia's GRE-code: 1185

Novia's GMAT-code: 5DW-ZW-26

The official test results must arrive at Novia UAS directly from the testing organisation no later than 12 May 2024. Test scores submitted by the applicant will not be accepted, but remember to fill in the application form at Studyinfo during the application period and upload a copy of your score result in the online application form no later than 12 May 2024. 

GMAT and GRE test results are valid for five (5) years after the test day. For 2024 admissions, the oldest acceptable test day is 13 May 2019.

Novia UAS also accepts the GMAT online exam and GRE General at Home. 

More information about the GMAT-test
More information about the GRE-test


Selection method 2: Certificate-based selection based on a Finnish UAS Bachelor's degree

Applicants that have a UAS Bachelor's degree completed in Finland can be admitted based on their UAS Bachelor's degree certificate.

Note! UAS Master's degrees and university Bachelor's degrees are not considered.

Applicants with an UAS Bachelor's degree certificate are ranked by their weighted average grade with two decimals.The weighted average grade is calculated from the UAS Bachelor's degree course grades which are visible in the My Studyinfo service in the section My completed studies (only available in Finnish/Swedish).

To be considered in this selection method, the applicant must save a link to the degree information found in the My Studyinfo service in the joint application form. The applicant should also submit a copy of his or her degree certificate appendix. The weighted average grade will be calculated based on the degree certificate appendix only if the information about the degree and course grades is not available in the My Studyinfo service.

If the applicant has completed more than one UAS Bachelor degree, the grades are considered for the degree which gives a better average. The courses within courses shown in the service are not included in the grade average. The verbally assessed courses are not considered in calculating the grade average (e.g. approved/pass / hyväksytty/suoritettu/godkänd).

When calculating the weighted average grade, the numerically assessed study units are weighted; in other words, the grade for the study unit is multiplied by the number of credits received from course in question. The weighted grades are calculated together and the total is divided by the number of credits received from the numerically assessed courses. The result is a weighted average grade rounded to two decimal places.



Selection method 3: Entrance Exam

The entrance exam will be arranged at the campus on Henrikinkatu 7 on  August 16, 2024.

Applicants register for the test in the application form. 

Career Opportunities

The programme in Service Design leads to a higher professional qualification, and it is strongly oriented towards working life. After graduation the students will be prepared to work with leadership and service design tasks within different organisations which want to develop their services.

Head of Degree Programme
Anckar Reija Nr 2 farg

Reija Anckar

Senior Lecturer

Henriksgatan 7
20500 ÅBO

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Novia University of Applied Sciences participates in several different student fairs and events. Our own students who are trained PR tutors visit secondary education schools across Finland. If you want to book a visit to your school or high school please contact Julia Mård, and we will help you!

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Novia UAS quality management is certified according to the ISO 9001 quality standard. This means that every year our entire business is audited by DNV. This is to ensure the best quality and constant development of Novia UAS.