Välkommen på Yrkeshögskolan Novias FUI-seminarium i Jakobstad
Novia anordnar ett FUI-seminarium den 9 april i Jakobstad med teman som "AI och digitaliseringens roll i samhället", "Novias nordiska samarbeten" och "Systemförändring".
Detta evenemang ger dig en utmärkt möjlighet att nätverka och bekanta dig med vår forskning, utveckling och innovationsverksamhet. Dagen kommer att ge dig en inblick i våra FUI-projekt och kanske öppna nya möjligheter till samarbete.
Seminariet hålls på engelska.
Registrera dig via denna länk.
12.00 – 12.20, Start of seminar
- Johanna Liinamaa, Head of Research at Novia UAS, Welcoming words
- Daniela Mårtenson, CEO, The Jakobstad Region Development Company Concordia, RDI - igniting regional development
12.20 – 12.30, Keynote Mikael Manngård
12.30 – 13.30, Panel discussion: The Role of AI and Digitalization in Society
The societal human factor in the digitalization and AI-applications. Digitalization seems to be an unavoidable dash towards the metaverse, or is it just a harmonic process? How does the regenerative AI tools impact the different areas in our society and what or who is requiring the increasing human-AI interaction? Certainly, the pros are many, but what about cons?
Chair of the panel from Novia UAS: Jonas Rak
Panel participants:
- Adam Palmquist, Mälardalens universitet
- Camilla Mattjus, Novia UAS
- Anna Häggblom, Aveo AI
- Christoffer Björkskog, Novia UAS
10 min break
13.40 – 13.50, Keynote Mats Granfors
13.50 – 14.50, Panel discussion: Novia’s Nordic collaborations
Novia UAS has a defined role in research and development of technological, economic, ecologic, social and cultural welfare in the society. Moreover, we will strengthen our impact in the Nordic region making us even more attractive as a partner for collaboration. But is this ambition to narrow? Is the objective of a resilient welfare society only the first step of a long voyage? Where are we heading?
Chair of the panel from Novia UAS: Hanna Guseff
Panel participants:
Annemari Andrésen, Novia UAS
30 min break, Networking
15.20 – 15.30, Keynote Jonna Engström-Öst
15.30 – 16.30, Panel discussion: Systemic change for Sustainable Futures
We are at the forefront, supporting the green transition. But how will we be able to restrict us to operate within the planetary boundaries? The responsibility of future generation to adopt truly sustainable solutions is fundamental for the fate of our globe. Geopolitical fluctuations will come and go but will we reach a turning point turning and make a systemic change?
Chair of the panel: Emma Westerlund
Panel participants:
Andreas Willlfors, Novia UAS
Esa Kokkonen, The Baltic Institute of Finland
Jorge Gomez-Parades, Novia UAS
16.30 - 17.30, Networking