Yrkeshögskolan Novia fick donation från VEO


Yrkeshögskolan Novia har fått donation av VEO som stöder högskolans medelinsamling med 10 000 euro.

"Vi är glada över donationen som riktas till teknikområdet, donationen hjälper oss att fortsätta utvecklandet av teknikutbildningarna. Jag vill framföra mitt varmaste tack till VEO", säger rektor Örjan Andersson.

VEO supports local Universities of Applied Sciences. Through donations, VEO supports the development of the local educational institutions and the entire Vaasa region.

“Universities of Applied Sciences educate experts important for our industry, and through these institutions, VEO receives valuable resources. Professional education is an important part of the diverse business activities and other service production in the Vaasa region,” says Hanna Myllymäki, HR-manager of VEO.

“The education financing system in Finland is going through changes, but through donations, VEO can support high-level education in the region and thereby secure local knowledge. We want to make sure that the teaching in the schools in Vaasa remains as high-level as it has been so far,” says Myllymäki.

MARKO EKMAN, CEO of VEO, also underlines the importance of the knowledge base obtained through high-level education.

“Competence is one of VEO’s most important competitive factors in the international project business, where competition is fierce. Designers, as well as project and sales managers, are daily expected to offer solutions requiring high engineering know-how to our customers. With the help of Universities of Applied Sciences, Vaasa has offered VEO a good place to grow internationally by enabling recruitment of locally educated experts.”

In addition to donations, VEO also supports local educational establishments through another kind of co-operation. Close collaboration between companies and educational institutions contributes to the fact that education meets the needs that new graduates will face in their future work.

Yrkeshögskolan Novias medelinsamlingskampanj "Stöd framtidens kunnande" pågår fram till 31.12.2018 och för den tiden berättigar donationer till motfinansiering från staten. En webbsida har öppnats på adressen www.novia.fi/donera där potentiella donatorer får mera information om kampanjen.

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Rektor/VD Örjan Andersson, tfn 050 527 2286