Ny publikation i Novias serie: Disaster nursing and the challenges that nurses encounter within it


Artikeln ” Disaster nursing and the challenges that nurses encounter within it ”har getts ut i Yrkeshögskolan Novias egna serie och artikeln skildrar temat ”disaster nursing”. Artikeln är skriven av Neil Olsen och Maj-Helen Nyback (Novia).

Utdrag ur abstraktet: Disaster nursing is a specialized area of nursing in which nurses participate and care for individuals affected by a disaster. The purpose of this article is to describe what disaster nursing involves and offer an overview of the challenges that a nurse can face. An explanation of the word disaster along with what it entails is also provided. Details such as how disasters are classified, along with how certain aspects of the community and daily living are affected are discussed.

Läs hela artikeln här: https://www.novia.fi/forskning/novias-publikationsserie/serie-a-artiklar