Forskarseminarium i Raseborg: Ashkan Pakseresht föreläser 31.10

Evenemang Systemomställning för att bygga resiliens FUI Forskning
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Forskarseminarierna hålls på campus Raseborg i föreläsningssal C287. Studerande, personal och övriga intresserade är välkomna att delta.

Den 31.10 föreläser Ashkan Pakseresht om "Consumer decision making related to GM food"

The introduction:
The commercialization of genetically modified (GM) food has been a topic of public debate in Europe since its introduction. Previous studies have investigated the consumers’ GM food choice and the role of prior attitude versus information, risk and benefit perception, labeling, trust in institutions, country of origin and financial motivations. However, the consumer decision-making does not take place in a vacuum and social factors can influence food decisions (sometimes unconsciously) since attitudes to foods develop through interaction with others. The classical models of decision-making neglect the interdependent decision-making process across different food value chain actors (such as farmers, food processing, retailers and consumers). The aim of this work has been to investigate whether consumer acceptance of GM food (with direct benefits) is dependent on the policy context and the stances taken by other actors

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