Diet for a green planet – Project presentations

Systemomställning för att bygga resiliens Forskning
person som håller i låda med grönsaker

Welcome to listen to project presentations of the Diet for a Green Planet-course Monday 11.4.2022 at 17:00 – 19:30, online.  Diet for a green planet is an international course that has been held at Novia in cooperation with Beras International and project Matlust.  

The course aims to provide a grounded understanding of the food system from farm to fork and how the food system is connected to climate change mitigation and eutrophication, support biodiversity, rural development, human health, and rural development. 

The presentations are the final exam of the course, a new course will start in autumn 2022. If you want to know more, please read more on Novias website. 


Monday 11.4.2022 

  • 17:30 - 17:45 Check-in 
  • 17:45 - 17:55 Presentation by Karolina Chomacka - Shortening the local food chains between educational institutions and farmers, Poland 
  • 17:55 - 18:15 Discussion  
  • 18:15 - 18:20  Break 
  • 18:20 - 18:30   Presentation by Karme Petrutis - Transition Plan towards Regenerative Farm, Sooppealse farm, Estonia 
  • 18:30 - 18:50   Discussion  
  • 18:50 - 19:00   Presentation by Kaja Kesküla - The cooperation of organic farms in the regenerative food system, Estonia 
  • 19:00 - 19:20 Discussion  
  • 19:20 - 19:30 Check-out 


For more information please contact:  

Novia UAS, Lars Fridefors (  Hans von Essen (BERAS International Foundation)