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NOSS - North & South Songwriters

Om Projektet

The North & South Songwriters aims to explore new ways o teaching and collaboration in music education. The project is a collaboration between the South African College of Music (SACM) of the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa and the Faculty of Arts and Culture at Novia University of Applied Sciences (Novia UAS), Finland.

Among the activities are:
- a course in crossover songwriting and production divided in two parts, co-designed and delivered by SACN and Novia UAS
- two mobility activities involving students and staff from SACM to Novia UAS and vice versa
- digital songwriting collaboration between students from both institutions.

The content of the activities are:
- modules in the African music heritage
- South African music culture and industry
-The Finnish music heritage
- contemporary music production
- crossover songwriting workshops conducted on hybrid model

The project is in line with Novia UAS' and SACM's aim to promote international cooperation. The project contributes to SDG4- quality education and SDG8- decent work and economic growth which are supported by both institutions. Furthermore, the project also support goals of the vision 2030 of the South African government, which is to increase the number of graduates with a Bachelors's degree to10 million by 2030; while enhancing the already existing relationship between Finland and South Africa in line with Finland's Africa strategy 2030.

Period: - 31.12.2026
Forskningsområde: Konst kultur och entreprenörskap
Campus: Jakobstad
Finansiärer: Utbildningsstyrelsen_engelsk logo
Samarbetspartners: The South African College of Music (University of Cape Town)