The Ocean Acidification Conference – Interfaces between Civil Society, Science and Policy

stenar och hav
Datum: 5.5.2021-6.5.2021

The Action Week on Ocean Acidification welcomes registrations to: The Ocean Acidification Conference – Interfaces between Civil Society, Science and Policy. May 5 – 6, 2021

All times are CET. The conference is arranged online. 

Preliminary themes/speakers & times:

May 5 – Science, Capacity Building & Outreach

  • Welcome & Opening
  • 09:30 Opening remarks (Marko Reinikainen, AirClim, Sweden)
  • 09:40 Monika Quinones Winder, Stockholm University, Sweden (keynote; title to be confirmed)
  • 10:10 Alexander Polukhin, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russia (title to be confirmed)
  • 10:35 Break
  • 10:45 Ulf Riebesell, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany (Lessons learned from ocean acidification research + BIOACID video)
  • 11:20 Sam Dupont, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (presentation & video-tour in the laboratory of the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Infrastructure)
  • 11.50 Break
  • 12:20 Anu Vehmaa, AirClim (presentation of Baltic Sea NGO-report)
  • 12:35 Sofia Sadogurska, Ecoaction, Ukraine (presentation of Black Sea NGO-report)
  • 13:00 Marko Reinikainen (presentation of OA Action Guide)
  • 13:15 Patrizia Ziveri, UAB Barcelona, Spain (MedSea project & OA in the Mediterranean Sea)
  • 13:40 Discussion
  • 14:30 Closing of Day 1

May 6 – Policy & Governance


  • 09:30 Monitoring challenges & developments (speakers to be confirmed)
  • 10:20 Representative from Coalition Clean Baltic (perspectives on adaptation and marine protection, speaker to be confirmed)
  • 10:45 Anna-Karin Almén, project “Havsmanualen”2, Finland (nearshore methods for local monitoring and adaptation)
  • 11:10 Break
  • 11:30 Panel discussion, Marko Reinikainen, AirClim (moderator; panelists to be confirmed)
  • 12:30 Closing of conference


Please visit for program updates.

The conference is arranged by the BALSAM3-project as a collaboration between AirClim and Novia University of Applied Sciences. The BALSAM-project is funded by the Swedish Institute. Novia UAS also received funding from the Finnish society “Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki”.

How to register

The conference requires registration. The organizing committee, consisting of Jonna Engström-Öst (Novia UAS), Marko Reinikainen and Reinhold Pape (AirClim), welcomes your registration via e-mail to by April 30, 2021. Please write “OA registration” as subject line. Registered participants will receive an e-mail with a Zoom link to the conference. Requests for further information are equally welcomed.


The Action Week on Ocean Acidification is arranged May 3 – 9, 2021. Please visit for more information

Information on the conference can also be found in this PDF.