Novia UAS joins EU’s Mission to Restore Our Oceans and Waters

RDI Research Sustainability
Österjsön, stenig strand och hav. Foto_AdobeStock

Novia University of Applied Sciences has been accepted into Horizon Europe’s Mission to Restore our Oceans and Waters. Organisations are admitted to the mission by submitting concrete plans on how they work to achieve the mission’s goals. 

EU Missions are a coordinated effort by the European Commission to bring together policymakers and mobilise, activate public and private actors, such as EU member states, authorities, research institutes, farmers, entrepreneurs, and investors to create real and lasting impact. 

The mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters” aims to protect and restore the health of our oceans and waters through research and innovation, citizen engagement, and blue investments. The mission’s new, systemic approach treats oceans and waters as a unit and plays a key role in achieving climate neutrality and restoring nature. 

Novia UAS’s part in the mission  

Natural resources are fundamental to human society and a priority for future generations. Coastal areas around the world are particularly important due to their rich biodiversity and the continuous impact from the proximity to land and water. In the research area of Systemic Transformation to Build Resilience, Novia strives to create systematic changes towards resilient and regenerative coastal areas by collaborating with local communities globally. 

Novia works with its broad expertise in Sustainable Shipping and Technology as well as simulations to prevent accidents and reduce the environmental impact of shipping. The expertise in emerging technologies, intelligent systems, aims for broader sustainable technological solutions. 

EU Missions are new for Horizon Europe 2021–2027 

The EU describes its missions as a way to find concrete solutions to some of our biggest challenges. The goals are ambitious and concrete results are to be delivered by 2030. Research and innovation take on a new role, combined with new forms of governance and collaboration, as well as engaging citizens. The missions are new within the Horizon Europe research and innovation program for the years 2021–2027. 

Through the missions, the Commission’s priorities are supported, such as the European Green Deal, a Europe fit for the digital age, and beating cancer. 

The universities in the Turku region, including Novia UAS, have identified marine and maritime issues as a strategic area and collaborate in various projects and initiatives. The universities have a joint EU network, Turku Region Universities (TRUEnet), to strengthen their cooperation and gain visibility at the EU level. 

More information about the “ EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters" 

Novia’s application to the mission.