Separate Application 1-15 August

LL 20130523 novia 4013

Novia UAS will arrange a separate application for applicants that have completed 60 credits in the Open University in a University/University of Applied Sciences in Finland if the degree programme accepts students that have completed Open UAS studies.


  • Application period 1-15.8.2018 online at
  • Application attachments due 17.8.2018 at 3 pm
  • Entrance examination/suitability test/interview/language test not later than 22 August according the decision of the Head of Degree Programme
  • Result of admission is published 23.8.2018
  • Confirmation of acceptance not later than 31.8.2018 at 3 pm

Admission Criteria

  • At least 60 credits must be completed within the Open UAS not later than 31.7.2018.
  • Entrance examination / suitability test/ interview/ language test according the decision of the Head of Degree Programme
  • If there is reason to limit the number of applicants the applicants will be ranked according to 1) the result of the entrance examination / suitability test/ interview/ language test. 2) If such a test is not arranged the applicants will be ranked according to the unweighted mean grade of all completed credits in the Open UAS within the degree programme in question. 3) If no difference between the applicants is reached the

Participating Programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing, Bachelor of Health Care, Vasa 2 study places
    (suitability test 20.8.2018 if the applicant has not previously been approved in an entrance examination to Nursing, language test 20.8.2018 (grading: pass/fail), unweighted mean grade of at least 2,5 of all credits completed in the Open UAS in Nursing)
  • For participating programmes in Swedish please see