Om Projektet
Our project (NylAF) seeks to promote the adoption of agroforestry amongst farmers in Nyland, support the integration of agroforestry into advisory and policy frameworks, as well as continue to develop a next-generation silvoarable agroforestry pilot project in Kirkkonummi, Finland. The project is active from January 2024 through December 2026. Each of these target groups has its own work package.In the first work package, farmers interested in agroforestry can join an Agroforestry Design Team, which puts them in direct contact with the project and other farmers from Nyland. Together, we identify areas of interest, conduct workshops, and guide farmers to create a case study about agroforestry for their farm. We aim to to have 10 case studies, written by farmers themselves, by the end of the project period.
In the second work package, we connect with advisory services, consultants, interested organizations, and policy makers to understand how agroforestry is perceived and offer additional information to fill in knowledge gaps. We seek to provide clarity around what agroforestry is and present the work of our farmers as evidence of agroforestry's potential.
The third and final work package sees us continue to manage and study the successional silvoarable agroforestry system in Lill-Nägels, situated in Kirkkonummi. The site leverages multiple agroecological and regenerative agriculture practices to spotlight the role of farmer managed biodiversity to improve soil conditions and return a degraded agricultural field to profitable production.
- Compile 10 case studies from diverse farms in Nyland into a publication outlining the process of designing agroforestry systems that have been tested on paper for suitability; or, in the case of an unsuitable situation, taking the time to highlight how this conclusion was reached- Promote agroforestry through formal and informal networks to advisors, consultants, and policy makers particularly through engaging in events and bringing participating farmers into contact with these groups
- Demonstrate an upward trajectory in soil health of the site in Kirkkonummi by the end of 2026, in particular paying attention to soil biodiversity, soil organic matter, and soil structure (aggregation and reduced compaction)
FN:s hållbarhetsmål

Joshua Finch