N-EEC - North-European Energy Cluster
Period: 1.1.2018 - 19.8.2019
The North-European Energy Cluster (N-EEC) is a joint action with three separate
ongoing projects in the northern peripheral regions of Europe. The lead partner
of N-EEC, OUAS, also leads the Interreg NPA -funded project e-Lighthouse
(Energy Saving Lighthouse Cities in the NPA Region). The second partner project
is Renovation Center (A Nordic Center for Energy Efficient Renovations), which
is funded by Interreg Botnia-Atlantica and lead by NOVIA University of Applied
Sciences. The third partner project is ICNB (Increasing Competence in Northern
Building and Construction Sector), funded by Interreg Nord. Lead partners of
each of the three projects and other key partners from these form the N-EEC
project consortium.
The core idea in N-EEC is to gather the strengths from each ongoing project and
create added value by arranging and hosting several joint events (conferences,
symposiums, seminars, stakeholder round-tables etc.) concerning energy use in
buildings, retrofitting of public buildings, and carbon footprint and
life-cycle assessment of buildings as key themes. During the events, each
project will report their outputs and findings on building energy related
issues. The best practises and the most important lessons learnt will be
disseminated to important stakeholders taking part in the event as audience or
in live streamed webinars. Materials from the events can later be found on each
projects websites.
The second main task is to distribute our know-how and results to the
pan-European level by developing two project applications for EU programs, such
as Horizon H2020 ( https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/ ), Urban
Innovation Actions ( http://www.uia-initiative.eu/ ), Interreg Europe (
https://www.interregeurope.eu/), URBACT (http://www.urbact.eu/) and LIFE
The project intend to extend the dissemination efforts wider inside NPA region
by arranging one event in Reykjavik, Iceland, in co-operation with the key
stakeholder Orkusetur.
Focus area: Hållbar energiteknik
Campus: Vasa Wolffskavägen 33
Project owner: Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OUAS)
Project manager: Annika Glader
Yhteystyökummpanit: Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Cork County Council, Umeå Municipality, Iceland National Energy Authority, Arctic University of Norway