FrEE - Framtidens EnergiExpert - Tulevaisuuden energiaosaajat hiilivapaaseen kasvuun

Europeiska socialfonden ESF

Period: 23.6.2021 - 31.8.2023

Content: FrEE – Capacity for Carbon Free Sustainable Growth Project focuses on tackling
the increase of knowledge and know-how in the field of modern energy technology
and services.

In the FrEE project, challenges posed by the modern energy related cleantech
solutions are identified and responded to by combining multidisciplinary
competences. Involved in the project are not only organizations for higher
education, but from lower levels of education, providing a broad view of the
competence profile needed by the experts in the future.

The FrEE project will create a learning platform and a roadmap to produce new,
multidisciplinary learning packets for both people already in the working life
but also for other potential people still aiming to be a part of the industry,
in order to broaden and strengthen their knowledge and knowhow of the future
technologies and services.

One of the key aspects of the FREE project is to enhance and facilitate the use
of common resources and find effective solutions for increasing of knowledge
via common methods and mechanisms.

Focus area: Hållbar energiteknik

Campus: Vasa Wolffskavägen 33

Rahoittajat: Europeiska socialfonden (ESF)

Project owner: Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

Project manager: Regina Kalenius

Yhteystyökummpanit: Novia