About the project
The aim of this spatial study is to combine monitoring of oceanography with biology during a two-week cruise around Svalbard, organized by University Centre in Svalbard. The plankton communities (both phyto and zoo) are sampled and stored for lipidomics, and oxidative stress analyses. The results will inform about the health status of small organisms, living in the water. By combining oceanography and floral and faunal physiology, in terms of lipid profiles and oxidative stress, we will be able to draw conclusions in terms of marine Arctic health. The tiny organisms, no matter are they coastal or offshore, form the base of all food webs and represent key players, i.e., their status is central for the Arctic marine food-webs.Project goal
Research objectives / questions:1. Does climate change cause oxidative stress in zooplankton in the natural environment?
2. Is the quality of the phytoplankton community (food of grazers) decreasing?
We hypothesize that oxidative stress can increase locally, especially in coastal areas where hydrographical fluctuations can be larger. We also hypothesize that phytoplankton lipid quality is decreasing in the Arctic, due to warming.
Jonna Engström-Öst
Specialforskare, Föreläsare