Language of schooling is checked for all new degree students in the beginning of the studies. It is important that we have correct information about your language of schooling in our study register and therefore you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire in the beginning of your studies. 

What is language of schooling?

Your language of schooling is first and foremost determined based on whether you have completed your basic education (grundskola/peruskoulu) and/or your general upper secondary school (gymnasium/lukio) in Finland or in another country. If you have not completed your basic education nor your general upper secondary school in Finland, you have received your general education outside Finland and your language of schooling is "other than Swedish or Finnish".

If you have completed basic education and/or general upper secondary school in Finland, your language of schooling is Swedish or Finnish based on which language you have a pass grade in as the subject mother tongue (modersmål/äidinkieli) on your Finnish school leaving certificate from basic education (grundskola/peruskoulu) or general upper secondary education (gymnasium/lukio).

Please notice that your language of schooling cannot be determined based on a vocational upper secondary education nor based on an IB/EB/RP diploma, regardless of in which country you have completed such education. 


If you have questions about your language of schooling already before the studies commence, please contact Student Services .