Welcome to Campus Aboa Mare in Turku! 

Read more about the study start at our different degree programmes further down on the page.

Pick-Up Service in Autumn 2024

Novia UAS organizes pick-up service for new International Degree students arriving from abroad in Autumn 2024.

Read more here at Novias website for travel information.

Study start Bachelor of Maritime Management, Captain

The academic year begins with a first gathering during week 36. We will email you the exact date and time in the middle of August. The venue is Campus Aboa Mare, Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21 (Hertig Johans parkgata 21), Auriga Business Center, Turku.

Information for students whose residence permit are delayed

Maritime Management, Captain, day-time students aren't offered online studies. You need to arrive in Finland before October 31st to be able to keep up with your studies. If you don’t get a resident permit before October 31st, we recommend that you postpone your studies for one year until the fall of 2025.

Always keep the head of your degree programme and the Admissions office informed of your situation. Here at Novias website you will find more information for students whose residence permits are delayed. 

Part-time students of Maritime Management, Captain – please contact the head of your degree programme for information about possibilities to start your studies while waiting for a resident’s permit.

Head of Degree Programme
petteri niittymaki

Petteri Niittymäki

Senior Lecturer

Study start Bachelor of Engineering, Maritime Technology

The academic year begins with a first gathering during week 36. We will email you the exact date and time in the middle of August. The venue is Campus Aboa Mare, Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21 (Hertig Johans parkgata 21), Auriga Business Center, Turku.

Information for students whose residence permit are delayed

Maritime Technology doesn’t offer online studies. You need to arrive in Finland before October 31st to be able to start your studies. If you don’t get a resident permit before October 31st, we recommend that you postpone your studies for one year until September 2025.

Always keep the head of your degree programme and the Admissions office informed of your situation. Here at Novias website you will find more information for students whose residence permits are delayed. 

Head of Degree Programme

Bertel Henriksson

Senior Lecturer

Study start Master of Engineering, Autonomous Maritime Operations

Master of Engineering, Autonomous Maritime Operations

The academic year begins with a kick-off on the 5th September 2024 at 09 AM, Finland time. Please note and book in to your schedules. The kick-off continues on the 6th September when we will also start the course Research Methods.

You are welcome to take part in person here at Campus Aboa Mare, Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21, Turku, auditorium 'Soya' or online using the Webex-platform: https://novia.webex.com/meet/thomas.finne

We will begin with an introduction to master’s degree studies by providing useful information concerning your studies, practicing with the e-learning platform, and getting acquainted with research and research methods. During the study kick-off we will also get an introduction to the Student Services Front Office, Student Counsellors, Library Services, and RDI-Team.

The schedules for students starting autumn 2024

Schedule for autumn early winter 2024 (please note that changes might still happen): 

Date Content
5-6.9.2024 Kick off, Introduction to studies and Research Methods
26-27.9.2024 Cyber Security
17-18.10.2024 Research Methods
14-15.11.2024 Autonomous Vessels
28-29.11.2024 Cyber Security


Study start Master of Engineering/Master of Maritime Management, Maritime Management

The academic year begins with a kick-off on the 5th September 2024 at 09 AM, Finland time. Please note and book in to your schedules. The kick-off continues on the 6th September when we will also start the course Research Methods.

You are welcome to take part in person here at Campus Aboa Mare, Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21, Turku, auditorium 'Soya' or online using the Webex-platform: https://novia.webex.com/meet/thomas.finne

We will begin with an introduction to master’s degree studies by providing useful information concerning your studies, practicing with the e-learning platform, and getting acquainted with research and research methods. During the study kick-off we will also get an introduction to the Student Services Front Office, Student Counsellors, Library Services, and RDI-Team.

The schedules for students starting autumn 2024

Schedule for autumn early winter 2024 (please note that changes might still happen):

Date Content
5-6.9.2024 Kick off, Introduction to Studies and Research Methods
19-20.9.2024 Shipping Business
17-18.10.2024 Research Methods
31.10-1.11.2024 Financial Management
7-8.11.2024 Shipping Business
December Maritime Management Accounting
Head of Degree Programme Maritime Management and Autonomous Maritime Operations
Auriga Abo2
Auriga Abo3

Practical information

Check of certificates

Please bring your original certificates, which you used in your application, with you to Finland (copies will not be accepted). The original certificates will be checked at our UAS at the start of the studies. Also bring your passport or other forms of official ID. The admission is conditional until original certificates are checked.

Read more about the need of a valid Seafarers Medical Certificate (SMC) below.

Medical Certificate for Seafarers (Bachelor Programmes only)

You must exhibit a valid Seafarers Medical Certificate (SMC) without restrictions for service in the deck department. The SMC must be issued by specific health care centres in Finland. The first health examination (pre-sea examination) must be performed by a Seamen’s Physician at a Seafarers’ Health Care Centre. We advise you to book a health examination before your studies begin. 

List of Seafarer’s Health Care Centres in Finland.

A copy of the SMC must be sent or brought to school by 11.9.2024 to:

Novia University of Applied Sciences
Student Services
Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21/Auriga Business Center
20100 Turku

Admission is conditional until you have presented your SMC and Novia UAS can withdraw the admission if the Seaman's Medical Certificate is not provided by the set time or the certificate states that the applicant is not suitable for a career at sea. Please note that applicants that suffer from colour blindness are not considered suitable for pursuing a career at sea.

The physician must be certified by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) to conduct a seaman's medical examination. Admitted students who reside in countries other than Finland should get the health examination in Finland. You can get an extension for submitting the health certificate, please contact the Student Affairs Office.
The medical certificate must include following information:

  • The person is physically and mentally fit for the tasks at hand and he/she does not have such an injury, disability or illness that can either prevent or distinctly hinder the completion of his/her work.
  • The person's vision, colour vision and hearing must meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health's Decree.
  • The person does not have an illness that can be assumed to either worsen or be harmful to other people on board or the safety of seafaring.

Seaman's medical examination form

Contact details to the Seafarers' Health Care Centre in Turku:

The seafarers’ health centre services of the city of Turku are provided by Länsirannikon Työterveys Oy

Hämeenkatu 10, 20500 Turku, appointment booking +358 (0)10 3252 200.

Read more about the seafarers' health care services here at the website Länsirannikon Health Care Services.



List of Seafarer's Health Care Centers in Finland

Guidelines for vision and hearing (pdf)

Seafarers' medical examination form

About Campus Aboa Mare

The campus offers a modern learning environment close to the harbour and Turku castle. The facilities are shared with Axxell secondary level vocational institute and Aboa Mare training centre for professional seafarers and authorities.

Bring Your Own Device, BYOD

Although there are computer classrooms on campus, as a student you are encouraged to get a laptop computer for your studies.

You should choose a laptop computer that can run office programs. The laptop computer should have an internet connection and a webcam, so that if necessary, you can participate in distance learning with your own video and audio. The computers are usually connected via Novia's wireless network, and it's good if they last a few hours on a single charge.

For normal use, Windows 11 with at least 8GB of memory is recommended.

In courses that require heavier software or special equipment, we use our computer classrooms or cloud services. Our aim is to use, when possible, programs available as free versions.

At the start of the study, you will get instructions on how to get free access to Microsoft Office 365, as well as how to install Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus software. Digital material is stored on OneDrive for Business, where you can share it with other students and teachers.

Within certain limits, Linux and Apple MacOS can also be used. To run certain programs, these operating systems require virtualization software with which to run Windows virtually. This virtualization software may have an additional cost and requires some technical knowledge to install and administer. Chromebook or Windows 11 SE devices are not suitable for study use on Novia.

Novia account

Your Novia account is automatically created when you are admitted to Novia and information on how to use it will be sent to your private email address.



Auriga Abo3

Information about Turku


Novia UAS does not offer student accommodation. Students are expected to make their own living arrangements before their arrival. It is important that you apply for student housing as soon as you receive your decision on student admission to ensure you have a place to stay when the studies commence. Turku Student Village Foundation (TYS) offers affordable housing for students around the city of Turku. Fill in a housing application on the Foundations  website. The apartments for degree students are unfurnished and students are expected to bring their own furniture. There are some furnished apartments reserved for exchange students so if you are moving from abroad you can mention in the application that you would prefer a furnished apartment if possible.

The private housing market can also offer good accommodation alternatives and you can search for apartments online. Please note that on the private market you normally sign a rental agreement for a year. The rental agreements with TYS are valid until further notice giving you more freedom to terminate the contract if you find more suitable accommodation later.

Useful liks

More helpful hints and information for new students can be found here at Novias website Student Life.

Familiarise yourself with Turku before your arrival by reading about the sights and attractions in and around the city here at the City of Turku website.

Here at The Study in Turku website you can find more information about student life in Turku.

The Study in Turku Fair is held each year and introduces new students to the services and hobby opportunities of the City of Turku, local companies and associations, and student organizations. You can find information about the fair in 2024 here at the Study in Turku website. The next Study in Turku Fair is on the 28th of August 2024 from 10:00 to 16:00 in ICT City and EduCity.

International House Turku offers counselling and guidance services promoting and supporting the integration of international newcomers in Turku and the Turku region. Read more here at the International House Turku website.

See Map of Turku

Housing in Turku 

The Student Village Foundation in Turku (TYS) offers students student housing around the city at a affordable price. Fill out a residential application form here on the Foundation website. 

Lumo website for rental apartments in Turku.

The Housing Anywhere platform allows you to choose from rooms listed by local students or verified landlords and securily book accommodation prior to your arrival. As a student/intern at Novia UAS you are entitled to priority access to all accommodation available on Housing Anywhere. Sign up here to receive a Novia VIP profile on Housing Anywhere.com

Contact information

Student Services Front Office at Campus Aboa Mare

Student Services Front offices are located at every campus. The Front Office can assist you with student services once you have confirmed your study place. Read more about the Student Service Office here on Novias website. Even during vacation, you can reach one of our student affairs officers at this e-mail address: studentservices@novia.fi

Questions regarding admission practicalities can be directed to Novia Admissions Services at this e-mail address: admissions@novia.fi