Degree Programme in Nursing - Autumn 2024 (26.08-13.12.2024)
Vaasa campus
Click + to read a course's objectives, prerequisites, and content.
All courses are held in Vaasa, if not otherwise mentioned.
No internship is available Autumn 2024.
Please read carefully the specific course requirements (under "Prerequisites") before making a decision. Whether or not you are eligible for the courses you wish to attend is based on your Transcript of Records and/or a certificate from your home university.
Courses for first year students
NU22AL01-3007 - Introduction to Nursing Research - 3 ECTS
The student:
- can plan their study path and learn to study in a digital learning environment
- can produce academic text and information and communicate professionally in English language
- can to adopt critical thinking and incorporate the idea of lifelong learning
- is familiar with sustainable development from an economical, ecological and social perspective
Teaching methods, rules and norms at Novia UAS
Prepare to participate in various teaching arrangements and settings
Peppi, Moodle, library service and other platforms used at Novia UAS
Critical thinking and incorporate the idea of lifelong learning
Sustainable development from an economical, ecological and social perspective
Academic writing and presentation of written assignments
No prior prerequisites
Study material
Degree Regulations at Novia
Academic Writing in Novia
Realization plan
NU22AL02-3007 - Swedish Level A1 - 3 ECTS
The student:
- understands and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at meeting
specific needs
- can introduce him-/herself and others, as well as ask and answer questions about personal
circumstances, such as living arrangements, friends, and possessions
- can interact with others in a simple way, provided that the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help
Basic Swedish
No prior prerequisites
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22BC01-3006 - Anatomy and Physiology - 4 ECTS
The student
- know the basic types of the tissues in the human body
- know the central structure and functions of the human body
- understand the physiology of the organs in human body
- are familiar with cell biology
- will be able to apply their knowledge to nursing care
Nervous system regulates physiological processes
Structure and function of the sense organs
Endocrine system regulates body metabolism and organ functions
Function of different organ systems, such as blood circulation, respiration, digestion and the urinary system
Lymphatic system
Reproductive system
Fluid- and acid-base balance
No prior prerequisites
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22BC02-3006 - Clinical Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology - 5 ECTS
The student
- are familiar with the common transmission routes of pathogenic microbes
- understands the pathological picture of common infectious diseases
- know the basic aseptic methods
- master the terminology of basic clinical microbiology
- understand the immune response in health and disease
- understands the importance of immunology and pathology in health care
- can account for the immune system's physiology
- understands the mechanisms of the diseases
Different microbe groups causing disease in man
Different modes for microbe transmission
Human microbiota and explain its impact on human health
Microbes causing common human infectious diseases
Antimicrobial resistance and explain the resistance in bacteria
Basic aseptic methods, aseptic technique, hand hygiene
Basics of pathology
Basics of pathophysiology
No prior prerequisites
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22BC05-3006 - Health Promotion and Nutrition - 4 ECTS
The student:
- develops a holistic view of the human being and become familiar with health promotion throughout
the life span
- understands the process of natural ageing (physical, mental and social changes)
- can support health promotion and illness prevention for specific patient groups at risk
- understands the concept of health and lifestyle and be able to apply that to disorders linked to lifestyle
- knows the diseases prevented by vaccination both nationally and internationally
- has basic knowledge of preventive care, treatment and sustainability at the most common national
and global infectious diseases
- is aware of the epidemiology of infectious diseases
- has knowledge of medical terminology and drug treatment in immunological conditions
- understands the importance of health promotion, preventive care and rehabilitation in relation to immunological diseases
- can apply nutrition and care recommendations for different age and target groups for prevention and treatment for national diseases
- is familiar with diets related to illness and disease
- can to guide patients concerning nutritional issues
- be able to apply evidence-based nursing care and the nursing process to nursing care related to nutritional problems
Health promotion and guidance in health promotion
Connection between life style and health and illness
Functional capacity of human being
Different aspects of measuring health: subjective and objective measurements
Essential nutrients and their dietary sources, food recommendations
Normal digestion, absorption and the metabolism of vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
Eating disorders and therapies related to these
Common special diets
Fundamental concepts of epidemiology, health and illness
Screenings, and be able to apply this knowledge to nursing care.
Vaccination both nationally, internationally and legislation in Finland
Composition, advantages and side effects of vaccines
Preventive care and treatment at the most common national and global infectious diseases
Medical terminology and drug treatment in immunological conditions
No prior prerequisites
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22BC06-3006 - Drug Therapy and Pharmacology 1 - 3 ECTS
The student
- has knowledge of and can apply legislation and directives regarding drug treatment
- has basic knowledge of pharmacology
- masters the aseptic of drug treatment
- masters pharmaceutical forms and their mode of administration
- has skills in injection technique
- can observe the effects of drug treatment on the patient
- has insight into recipe theory
- masters patient guidance and documentation in connection with drug treatment
- has an understanding of the importance of drug treatment in patient safety
- masters drug billing at a basic level
Aseptic, sustainability and route of administration
Recipe theory
Patient guidance and documentation
Drug calculation
Injection administration
Proper handling of sharps instruments
No prior prerequisites
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22NR01-3006 - Evidence Based Nursing - 5 ECTS
The student:
- knows the profession of a nurse and its special features
- develops an international perspective on nursing history and become familiar with nursing models,
concepts, theories and traditions of caring/nursing science
- is familiar with ethical theories, codes of ethics, ethical decision-making and ethical issues.
- has fundamental knowledge, and an understanding, of cultural differences, as well as the need for
cultural sensitivity in all contact with people.
- adopts an approach to nursing care based on critical thinking and evidence-based practice and decision-making process
- understands the necessity of an evidence-based practice
- has knowledge of the nursing process
- knows how to correctly document and report nursing care according to the national health care system
Nursing as a profession
International perspective on nursing history and philosophy
Nursing models, concepts, theories and traditions of caring/nursing science
Ethical theories, values and ethical guidelines, codes of ethics, ethical decision-making and ethical issues.
Cultural differences and cultural sensitivity
Cultural awareness, and respect for individual uniqueness
Nursing care based on critical thinking and evidence based practice and decision-making process
Assess, plan and implement nursing care based on the patient’s needs
Evaluate nursing care
Finnish Care Classification FinCC
Document and report nursing care according to the national health care system (ISBAR)
No prior prerequisites
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
Courses for second year students
(Online) NU22BC08-3002 - Clinical Pharmacology - 2 ECTS
The student
- has knowledge of clinical pharmacology
- has knowledge of drugs in the most common disease groups
- has knowledge of drugs that are common in several different disease groups
- understands and can follow up the effects, side effects and interactions of the drugs
- understands the nurses role, duties and responsibilities regarding drug therapy
- understands the medication plan and can guide the patient
Clinical Pharmacology
Self medication
Medication technology
Medication plan
Nurses role and responsibilities
Drug therapy and Pharmacology 2
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
Further information
Online course, need good internet connection and download of Novia software
NU22CC03-3003 - Perioperative Nursing and Radiation Safety - 3 ECTS
The student:
- knows how to apply the nursing process to surgical nursing care
- knows the different phases of the perioperative period
- knows the different types of anesthesia
- understands the principles of safety control and know how to implement them in nursing care
- has basic knowledge of radiation protection for health professionals outlined in ST 1.7 (
Säteilysuojelukoulutus terveydenhuollossa )
- knows the nurse’s role when supporting the patient in the x-ray-situation
- understands sustainable development according to economics and environment
- has knowledge about patient safety, ethics and cultural aspects in different nursing contexts
Various types of surgery according to the purpose, degree of urgency and degree of risk
Nursing process in perioperative care
Preoperative assessment, evaluation and preparations of the patient
Intraoperative care of the patient
Anesthetic care and methods
Postoperative care
Complications related to surgery
X-ray diagnostics and safety control (1 Cu)
Radiation protection
Health technology in perioperative care
First Aid and Basic Nursing
Drug therapy and pharmacology 2
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22CC04-3003 - Clinical Nursing 2 - 4 ECTS
The student:
- has knowledge of and demonstrate decision-making skills and critical thinking in internal medicine and surgical nursing
- demonstrates skills in assessing, implementing and evaluating the internal medicine and surgical nursing process in different clinical settings
- demonstrates a holistic perspective of nursing care in case studies
- demonstrates skills in assessing, implementing and evaluating the nursing process in internal medicine and surgical field
- has knowledge about health technology related to the medical/surgical field
- has knowledge about patient safety, ethical and cultural issues in different nursing contexts
Common clinical interventions and methods in internal medicine nursing
Common clinical interventions and methods in surigcal nursing
Common intraoperative nursing and postoperative and surgical nursing skills
Nursing care for patients with altered electrolyte- and fluid balance
Managing the fluid balance, focusing on intravenous and blood infusions, drainage and catheters
Blood transfusions, CVC, PICC, arterial cannula
Medication technology and health technology in internal medicine and surgical field
Skills in assessing, implementing and evaluating the nursing process in internal medicine and surgical field
Patient safety, ethical and cultural issues in medical/ surgical field
Clinical Nursing 1
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22CC06-3003 - Responses to Altered Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Function and Urinary Elimination - 5 ECTS
The student:
- can apply physical assessment into the specific nursing context
- can identify health problems related to gastrointestinal, endocrine and urinary disorders
- can use the nursing process as a framework for providing individualized care to patients in the specific nursing context.
- can explain nursing implications for medication and other treatments prescribed for the specific nursing context
- can apply insights into altered gastrointestinal end endocrine functions and urinary elimination onto all nursing contexts.
- knows how to prioritize the patient’s needs for nursing care, act correctly on those, and document them based on the national guidelines and classification system
- applies critical thinking and decision-making in the specific nursing context
- applies ethical and cultural aspects in the specific nursing context
Nursing care of the patient with gastrointestinal problems
Nursing care of the patient with urinary elimination disorders
Nursing care of the patient with endocrine disorders
Risk factors and symptoms of the various types of diabetes
Nutrition and medication related to diabetes
Oncological nursing care related to the special field
Physical assessment
First Aid and Basic Nursing
Clinical Nursing 1
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22CC07-3003 - Responses to Altered Musculoskeletal, Neurologic and Respiratory Function - 5 ECTS
The student:
- can apply physical assessment into the specific nursing context
- can identify health problems related to musculoskeletal, neurologic and respiratory disorders
- can use the nursing process as a framework for providing individualized care to patients in the specific nursing context.
- can explain nursing implications for medication and other treatments prescribed for the specific nursing context
- can apply insights into altered musculoskeletal, neurologic and respiratory function onto all nursing contexts.
- knows how to prioritize the patient’s needs for nursing care, act correctly on those, and document them based on the national guidelines and classification system
- applies critical thinking and decision-making in the specific nursing context
- applies ethical and cultural aspects in the specific nursing context
Nursing care of the patient with musculoskeletal disorders
Nursing care of the patient with neurologic disorders
Nursing care of the patient with respiratory disorders
Oncological nursing care related to the special field
Physical assessment
First Aid and Basic Nursing
Clinical Nursing 1
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22CC09-3003 - Gerontological Nursing and Rehabilitation - 5 ECTS
The student:
- is prepared to assess caring needs that are specific for the elderly and geriatric patient
- has basic knowledge of health promotion, the prevention of diseases and disabilities in older adults, and use this knowledge for patient guidance.
- has knowledge of specific diseases linked to older adults and their etiology.
- has knowledge of specific issues regarding pharmacology and nutrition in elderly care, and prepare for the practice of safe drug administration
- is prepared to care for the elderly patient in all nursing contexts
- understands the concept of habilitation and rehabilitation from a social, physical and psychological perspective
- is familiar with rehabilitation and habilitation at different ages and persons with special needs
- understands the organization and management of rehabilitation and habilitation in nursing, both nationally and internationally, and be able to apply it to patient guidance and nursing care.
- recognizes different patient organizations acting in the field of rehabilitation and habilitation
- knows how to prioritize the patient’s needs for nursing care, act correctly on those, and document them based on the national guidelines and classification system
- applies critical thinking and decision-making in the specific nursing context
- applies ethical and cultural aspects in the specific nursing context
Specific caring needs for the elderly patient
Health promotion, the prevention of diseases and disabilities in older adults, and use this knowledge for patient guidance.
Specific diseases for the older adults
Memory disorders and nursing care of persons with memory disorders
Pharmacology and nutrition in elderly care
Habilitation and rehabilitation of the elderly person
Rehabilitation and habilitation at different ages and persons with special needs
Patient organizations
Person-centered care
Pain assessment
Acute gerontology
Clinical Nursing 1
First Aid and Basic Nursing
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22CC10-3004 - Oncological and Palliative Nursing - 3 ECTS
The student:
- can apply evidence-based nursing care, and the nursing process in oncological, palliative care and care in the end- of life, including the family
- knows how to prioritize the patient’s needs for in oncological, palliative care, act correctly on those, and document them based on the national guidelines and classification system
- applies critical thinking and decision-making in oncological, and palliative care
- applies ethical and cultural aspects in oncological, palliative care and end-of life
Palliative care: legal bases and key elements, pain relief, suffering and related symptoms,
End-of life care: recognition and communication, existential and psychosocial support, family support
Nurses role in the terminal care and palliative care
Oncological nursing care
Interventions, medication effects and methods in oncological nursing care
Clinical Nursing 1
First Aid and Basic Nursing
Study material
See Moodle
Courses for third year students
NU22CC13-3001 - Community Nursing - 4 ECTS
The student:
- is familiar with the organization of home care in Finland, and be able to define home care in different settings
- is aware of patient- and staff safety during home visits
- can take care of the patient in a home environment while considering professionalism, confidentiality and courtesy.
- can apply evidence-based nursing care, and the nursing process, in home- and community nursing care
- can work in different settings in community nursing care
- is able to evaluate, prioritize and guide the patient in community nursing care
- knows how to prioritize the patient’s needs for nursing care, act correctly on those, and document them based on the national guidelines and classification system
- applies critical thinking and decision-making in the specific nursing context
- applies ethical, sustainable and cultural aspects in the specific nursing context
Organization of home care in Finland, and be able to define home care in different settings
Patient safety in home and community care
Use different guidance methods: oral and written guidance, using telephone and digital tools
Health technology in community care
Home care, home hospitals, community nursing care
Information and service guidance
Clinical Nursing 1
Basic Nursing Care 1
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
NU22NR04-3001 - Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Nursing - 3 ECTS
The student:
- knows the basics of leadership and methods for development in health care
- can account for work collective agreements and worker protection
- understands and can participate in quality development of care work
- understand the importance of employee competence and the work community
- can prioritize tasks
- can use care science and interdisciplinary knowledge in decision-making as a team leader
- understand the importance of welfare economics, cost-effectiveness and sustainable development
- understand the importance of developing working methods in accordance with changes in the social and health care industry.
- can supervise work colleagues and students
- knows the nurse's career opportunities
- can function according to the principles of internal leadership in an interprofessional environment
- has knowledge of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in social and health care
Organizational models and leadership theories
Quality assurance
The leader's responsibilities
Team building
Conflict management
Cost efficiency and sustainability
Development and innovation in care work
Continuous learning
Supervision of staff and students
Internal and external entrepreneurship
Medical Nursing Care
Surgical Nursing Care
Study material
See Moodle and realization plan
Location of campus Vaasa:
