Degree Programme in Business Administration
Vaasa campus
Click + to read a course's objectives, prerequisites, and content. All courses are held in Vaasa, if not otherwise mentioned. Courses are preliminary and subject to change
Exchange students can also take courses via Campus Online - a portal that offers a selection of course organised by more than twenty Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Finland. Courses can be completed 100% online. In that case, the exchange student will receive two Transcript of Records: one from Novia and one from the other UAS.
Autumn 2024 (26.08-13.12.2024)
FEK22LT6 - Logistics and ERP - 5 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
-understand the role of logistics in a company when it comes to financial issues and competitiveness
-know about different forms of transportation
-know different logistic models
-basic knowledge of ERP systems
-manage to plan, organize and control the purchasing process, transports, stocking and customer service
Content of the study unit
The procurement process
Warehouse management
Various logistics models
ERP systems
Learning material
We do not actually use a course book, but instead pick up resources from there and from there - but if you learn best by reading a proper book from A to Ö then I recommend (from Tritonia):
- Rushton, A., Croucher, P., & Baker, P. (2017). The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management (6th ed.). Hampshire: Kogan Page Limited.
- Krajewski, Lee J.; Malhotra, Manoj K.; Ritzman, Larry P. (2019). Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains. Pearson. Twelfth edition. ISBN 978-1-292-25993-2
Learning methods
Project-based learning, lectures, exercises, feedback-sessions and self-studies.
ERP-systems exercise work
Objects, timing and methods of assessment
Course part Logistics and ERP:
By performing project works and by participating in feedback sessions (with discussion) or self-development activities and excursion or guest lecture you collect points that lead to the final grade.
For participation in project work, the following points are awarded:
Failed = 0p (The work is obviously deficient, parts are left unfinished)
Accepted = 1p (A good work)
Excellent = 2p (Demands that you show significant initiative, creativity, enthusiasm)
For participation in a feedback-session (constructive, detailed feedback) = 1p
For completion of a self-development activity (serious, analytical) = 1p
For active participation in an excursion/guest lecture (discussing, writing) = 1p
Points Results
24->31 = 5
22->23 = 4
20->21 = 3
17->19 = 2
15->16 = 1
ERP Systems Exercise work:
The submitted exercise work is assessed on a scale of 1-5 based on the following criteria:
- Contains all tasks
- Time spent on work
- Written explanations for the images
- Problem solving skills
Additional information
You need an approved grade i both the course part Logistics and ERP (3 ECTS) AND the course part ERP-system Exercise work (2 ECTS) to get a final course grade.
Alternative methods of attainment for implementation
Can be completed without attendance in class - you can do the projects on your own and can perform self-development activities instead of participating in feedback sessions (see more about these in Moodle).
Practical training and working life co-operation
One excursion or guest lecture during the course.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Course Part Logistics and ERP (3 ECTS)
By performing weekly project works and by participating in feedback sessions (with discussion) or self-development activities and excursion or guest lecture you collect points that lead to the final grade.
The first return box closes automatically the evening before the week's lecture. The report submitted here is assessed and scored within one week. The second submission box will remain open until the course starts again next year (if you have no grade by then you start again from zero points). These "late" submissions are graded within one month.
Course grade within one week after the last project, or within one month after the last submission.
Course Part ERP-systems exercise work (2 ECTS)
During the course, you will also do a ERP-systems excercise work that corresponds to 2 credits of the course's 5 credits. In an EPR program you will first familiarize yourself with how to work in ERP systems and then solve a number of given problems, that emerge on a daily basis in a company. After approved submission you will receive the grade 1-5 in the course part ERP-systems
Timing and attendance
Time: See course calendar (in Peppi) for course schedule
Place: Novia-Vasa-Engineering or online (Moodle)
Student's schedule and workload
The student is expected to spend a total of 10 hours of work per week on the course in order to reach the European goals of 25-30 hours of work per credits obtained. 3 hours of local education (or equivalent amount of time spent on studying online material and doing self-development activities) and 7 hours of work on own time.
Content scheduling
Week - Project
1 Intro to Logistics och ERP
2 Transport Method Choice
3 Push vs. Pull Production
4 Material Resource Planning
5 ERP-systems, Development and Costs
6 Materials Purchasing
7 Warehousing for Distribution
8 Warehouse Management
9 ERP-systems Choice
10 Open Source ERP
11 Excursion/Guest Lecture
12 Conclusion
The (obligatory) ERP-systems exercise work is done simultaneously with the other course work.
FEK22VIL01 - Purchasing - 3 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
- understand how purchasing and a purchasing organization works in a company
- know the cost picture in the purchase process
- are able to analyze the supplier selection and know what criteria applies to outsourcing
- are aware of the role of purchasing in the value chain.
In addition, the student should be able to:
-evaluate their own work and that of others
-critically study and give feedback to report works
-crictically evaluate different technical methods
-account for and discuss opinions
Logistics and ERP
Content of the study unit
-Purchasing process, buying behavior
-Organization and structure of purchasing
-Supplier relationship
-Contracts and laws
-Public procurement
-Ethics and good practice
-Negotiations and contracting
Learning material
Wallace, Walter L., Xia, Yusen L. & Render, Barry 2015. Delivering customer value through procurement and strategic sourcing : a professional guide to creating a sustainable supply network. Pearson.
Learning methods
Lectures, visitor, group work, peer evaluation and presentations.
Practical training and working life co-operation
Visiting Lecturer
Exam dates and retake possibilities
No Exam. Grade given based on the performance and quality of course assignments.
Student's schedule and workload
Total work load of the course: 81 h - of which scheduled studies: 31 h - of which autonomous studies: 50 h
FEV18LT03 - Leadership and Organization - 5 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
The student understands how an organization works and she/he is familiar with the principles of leadership and activities in a goal oriented-oriented organization. After the course the student understands importance of individual- and professional competence development, different types of leaderships, importance of clear vision and mission statements, strategy and objectives, organizational values as a core of organizational culture.
Business skills 1
Content of the study unit
The subjects covered on the course cover organizational behaviour and the concept of leadership in different contexts and forms of organizations, such as team leading, strategic leadership, human resource management and leading as an individual process.
The course introduces a broad range of leadership theories and how they are applied to organizations today.
Learning material
- Williams, MGMT11, Cengage Learning
- course materials in Moodle
- articles
Learning methods
Lectures, group work, assignments and case studies
Objects, timing and methods of assessment
Continuous assessment of in class activity, group works and final exam
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Final exam at the end of the course, date will be announced at course start.
Student's schedule and workload
27 hours individual workload per 1 credit (a total of 5 ETCS)
FEV18IFI01 - Company Internationalization - 5 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
The student understands company internationalization from theoretical and practical perspectives, barriers and supportive factors for internationalization, internationalization strategies, location choices and modes of entry. The student recognizes different strategic options of the company to enter the foreign markets and understands how to conduct a country analysis by using PEST or a similar analytical framework.
International Business Activities
Content of the study unit
Reasons for companies to internationalise
Barriers and supportive factors in internationalisation
Prerequisites for successful internationalisation/globalisation
Internationalisation processes of firms
Market entry strategies (export entry modes, FDIs, contractual entry modes, projects)
International business strategy (global, transnational, multidomestic, international)
Target market screening, selection and market size assessment
Macro environment analysis or PEST analysis
Learning material
- Griffin, Ricky W. & Pustay, Michael W. (2020). International Business: A Managerial Perspective. 9th edition (or older). Harlow : Pearson Education.
- Articles and other material provided by the teacher.
Learning methods
The objective of the course is that the student understands company internationalization from theoretical and practical perspectives, barriers and supportive factors for internationalization, internationalization strategies, location choices and modes of entry. The teaching methods to meet the objective are lectures, guest lectures, group and individual assignments and an exam.
Objects, timing and methods of assessment
Grading system (numerical 1-5):
- 5: The student understands deeply the concept of internationalization and its parameters and can utilize it innovatively in case examples. The student can work fluently in a group and reflect insightfully on the own learning process.
- 3-4: The student understands the concept of internationalization and can adapt it into case examples. The student can work successfully in a group and report the own learning process.
- 1-2: The student understands the concept of internationalization and has the ability to work in a group.
- 0: Fail in examination and no participation and submissions in assignments.
Student's schedule and workload
Total workload of the course: 135 h
-Of which scheduled studies 40 h
-Of which autonomous studies: 95 h
FEV18KO05 - Business English 2 - 3 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
-can communicate professionally orally and in writing .
- has knowledge of central terminology in his own field and understand the main content of professional literature in his industry.
-relates positively to developing their receptive and productive language skills and knows the relevant tools for doing so.
-is aware of cultural differences in international contexts.
Business English 1
Content of the study unit
Oral and written communication
Business English
Cultural knowledge
Learning material
-according to the lecturer (information on Moodle)
Learning methods
Lectures, oral exercises, team work, work in pairs, presentations, individual tasks and written assignments.
1 ECTS joint with another course.
Objects, timing and methods of assessment
Grades 0-5 and in some exercises pass/fail.
According to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
Additional information
Active participation is required.
Alternative methods of attainment for implementation
-oral presentation
-written assignments
-written exam
Exam dates and retake possibilities
More information on Moodle.
Student's schedule and workload
3 x 27 h = 81 hours
Spring 2025
FEK22LT3 - Human Resource Management - 5 ECTS
Learning methods
- lectures
- excercises
- presentations
- individual studies
Additional information
- Definition and role of HRM
- Historical development of HRM
- The importance of HRM for organizational success
- Personnel planning and recruitment
- Recruitment strategies and methods
- The recruitment process and selection methods
- Diversity management during recruitment
- Training and development of employees
- Competence development
- Performance management and goal setting
- Feedback and assessment of performance
- Reward system and incentives
- Employment conditions
- Benefits and allowances.
- Communication within the organization
- Management of conflicts and negotiations
- Employee relations and team building
- Global HRM and multicultural aspects
- Ethical dilemmas in HRM
- Use of technology for HRM processes.
- Work with flexible schedules and remote work
Learning material
To be announced at course start.
Objects, timing and methods of assessment
Grading 1-5. For a pass, excercises, presentations and examination need to be passed.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
To be informed at course start.
Student's schedule and workload
135 working hours.
FEK22LT5 - Risk Management and Internal Control - 3 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
The student:
- understands the importance of risk management and internal control in an organization
- is familiar with risk management techniques
- is familiar with the methods for establishing internal control
- can conduct and write a risk analysis as well as plan control activities
- understands the role of corporate governance when creating a sustainable business development
- None
Content of the study unit
- risk management
- internal control
- corporate governance
Learning material
Course litterature (more details in the course):
Ahokas NIina. 2012. Yrityksen sisäinen valvonta
Ansgar Toscha, 2012. En introduktion till organisationsövergripande riskhantering
Arwinge Olof, Olve Nils-Göran & Magnusson Åke. 2017. Risk, Strategi och styrning
Hopkin Paul, 2018. Fundamentals of Risk Management
Ratsula Niina, 2016. Compliance. Eettinen ja vastuullinen liiketoiminta
Wikland Björn, 2014. Intern styrning och kontroll - både lönsamt och säkert
Learning methods
The student:
- understands the importance of risk management and internal control in an organization
- knows risk management methods
- knows structures for building an internal control
- knows how to perform and document risk analysis and plan control activities
Objects, timing and methods of assessment
Course project 50% (grading 0-5)
Exam 50% (grading 0-5)
Learning goals:
The student:
- understands the importance of risk management and internal control in an organization
- knows risk management methods
- knows structures for building an internal control
- knows how to perform and document risk analysis and plan control activities
Practical training and working life co-operation
Possible guest lecturers from the business world
Exam dates and retake possibilities
According to instructions at the start of the course
Student's schedule and workload
32 hours of campus based teaching
30 hours different exercises
19 hours preparation for exam
In total 81h
FEV18IA04 - International Contract Law - 3 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
Students are familiar with contract law from an international perspective
Bascis of Commercial Law 6 ects
Content of the study unit
Contractual commitments in international business and risk management. Drafting and content of international commercial contracts such as sales contract, agency and distribution agreements, franchising and licensing contracts. Dispute settlement and choice of law questions in international contract law.
Learning material
Shippey, Karla C: Short Course in International Contracts : Drafting the International Sales Contract; Other material provided during the lectures
Learning methods
Lectures, team work during the classes
Exam dates and retake possibilities
There will be a moodle exam after the course
Student's schedule and workload
81 h
FEK22VIL05 - Sustainable Logistics - 3 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
The student:
- is familiar with the sustainability aspects in national and international transportation types
- understands how transportations affect the environment
- is able to compare the emission profiles of different transportation types
- is familiar with regulations and global goals
- is aware of the basics of life cycle assessments
Additionally, the student needs to:
- evaluate work performed by him/herself and others
- critically evaluate and give feedback on working reports
- critically evaluate different technical solutions
- give oral reports on and discuss his/her results
- argue for and contribute to debates on technical issues
Logistics and ERP
Content of the study unit
- Finland's and EU's goals and regulations
- different types of transport emissions, effect on the environment
- life cycle assessments and key figures
- emission profiles of various transportation types (trucks, trains, ships, planes) and methods to make them more sustainable
- different propellants and fuels (petrol, diesel, biodiesel, gaseous hydrogen, electricity, etc.) emission profiles and methods to make them more sustainable
- emissions trading
- sustainable manufacturing methods for minimizing transportation
- infrastructure and urban planning
- transportation of the future
FEK22VIL03 - International Logistics - 3 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
- know the national and international transport options
- understand the importance of transport costs to the profitability of the business
- are able to compare the costs of different transport modes
- know different distribution models and distributions
- are aware of the basics of transport law
In addition, the student should be able to:
-evaluate their own work and that of
-critically study and give feedback to report works
-crictically evaluate different technical methods
-account for and discuss opinions
-argument and reason around technical questions
Logistics and ERP
Content of the study unit
Transport and Economy
Transportation Costs
Land Freight
Sea Freight
Air Freight
Port Activites
E-business Logistics
Global Trade and Transport
FEV18IFI03 - International Marketing - 5 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
-can implement and analyze marketing planning for international markets
-know marketing communication in international markets
-understand cultural differences in international marketing
Basics of Marketing 5 ECTS
Content of the study unit
Marketing planning for international markets
Marketing communication in international markets
Cultural differences in international marketing
Learning material
Ghauri, P. N. & Cateora, P. (2021). International Marketing (5th Ed.). McGraw-Hill Education (or previous edition)
Learning methods
The student is able to implement and analyze marketing planning for international markets. The student will understand international marketing as a strategic process and learn how to do analyses to support international marketing. The student will be able to identify and decide upon a relevant strategy and marketing mix of products and services in an international setting.
Practical training and working life co-operation
International perspective is inherent and all encompassing in this course. International companies are used as cases. Final project includes designing an international marketing plan for a chosen company.
Student's schedule and workload
Total work load of the course: 135 h
-Of which scheduled studies 40 h
-Of which autonomous studies: 95 h
FEV18LT02 - Corporate Sustainability and Quality Management - 5 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
Student can
-describe the company's social responsibility and know how this can be measured
-describe and argue ethical and environmental issues from a business economic perspective
-analyze markets, customer behavior and production from a quality perspective
-knows about quality systems and their importance from a management perspective
No prerequisites
Content of the study unit
-corporate social responsibility
-sustainable development
-quality control
-quality systems
Learning material
B. Bergman, B. Klefsjö. Quality – from Customer Needs to Customer Satisfaction. Studentlitteratur.
T. Borglund, H. De Geer, S. Sweet. CSR and Sustainable Business. Sanoma Utbildning.
Learning methods
- lectures
- exercises
- presentations
- individual studies
Alternative methods of attainment for implementation
Pass in exercises, presentations, and examination
Exam dates and retake possibilities
will be announced at the start of the course
Student's schedule and workload
135 working hours
FEV18IFI02 - International Financing - 5 ECTS
Competence objectives of the study unit
The student is familiar with all aspects of financial management decisions and can identify financial systems and risks in daily operations of business in a global market. The student is also familiar with sources of funding and guarantees and can choose the best possible way of financing and apply for special sources of funding. The student knows the financing guarantees and the service of guarantee offices and is aware of financing possibilities offered nationally and internationally.
International Business Activities
Content of the study unit
Financial systems, financial markets, financial institutions.
Risks in global economy
Short term- and long term financial management decisions.
sources of financing: National financing, EU financing and other international financing.
Credits and guarantees.
Learning material
Grath, A (2016). The Handbook of International Trade and Finance or the Swedish version
Grath, A (2008). Internationell handel, betalning & Finansiering
Other material issued by the course instructor
Learning methods
Exercises (group and individual)
Individual studies
Objects, timing and methods of assessment
Assessment will be done through both written exam and assignments
All parts of the course should be approved for approved results on the course
Alternative methods of attainment for implementation
Pass in exercises and examination
Practical training and working life co-operation
Guest Lecturers and cooperation with local businesses
Practical training and working life co-operation
Guest Lecturers and cooperation with local businesses
Student's schedule and workload
135 working hours
Location of campus Vaasa:
