Conditions and terms for fee paying students
These conditions and terms applies to fee-paying students who have started their studies between fall semester 2017 and fall semester 2022
The conditions and terms for fee-paying students are laid out in the student agreement below. Please familiarize yourself with the agreement before paying the tuition fee.
1. Parties
This student agreement for fee-paying students is made between Ab Yrkeshögskolan vid Åbo Akademi (2059910-2), Novia University of Applied Sciences, hereafter referred to as “Novia UAS” and the fee-paying student, hereafter referred to as “Student”.
The Student shall inform Novia UAS of any change of address and contact numbers and details, otherwise any notices or information sent to the last address provided by the Student shall be deemed to have been properly given.
2. Background
The Student has applied for a degree programme offered by Novia UAS and has been accepted to study at the programme under the terms and conditions set out in this agreement.
Extent and duration of study is set per degree programme.
The tuition fee is set per academic year. Academic year refers to the time period 1 August to 31 July of each year.
Some students may be eligible for an early bird tuition fee for their first academic year. Eligible students are notified in connection with their admission.
3. Novia UAS' obligations
Novia UAS provides the Student with a Programme in accordance with the curriculum, which may be amended from time to time. Novia UAS makes reasonable efforts to ensure the quality of the Programme offered.
Subject to the Student successfully fulfilling the requirements of the Programme, completing the Programme and complying with this Agreement the Student is awarded the related academic degree. Specific details relating to the arrangements for the Programme are available in the Study information.
Novia has an accident insurance that covers the studies and practical training completed as part of the curriculum.
4. The Student's obligations
The Student is obliged to comply with this Agreement, the Finnish legislation, Degree Regulations, process descriptions, other policies and instructions at Novia, throughout the studies at Novia UAS.
4.1. Immigration issues
The Student is aware and agrees that, he/she has a valid residence permit/visa/etc. to study in Finland. All immigration issues are governed and decided by Finnish government and Finnish Immigration Service. The Student is aware that Novia UAS does not have any control over the immigration issues.
4.2. Fees
All the Fees are clearly published on Novia’s website. The annual fees are decided upon by the President. The tuition fee set for a degree programme will not change during the duration of the Student’s right to study. The fee is fixed to the amount set by the President for the year of admission, i.e. no increase in price will occur. The total cost of the programme is calculated based on normal duration of study.
If the student completes his/her studies faster than the normal duration of study the fee will be collected according to the semesters used for completing the programme.
If the student needs additional time to complete his/her degree the additional cost of at least one semester will be added to the total cost of the study programme.
4.2.1 Payment of the tuition fees
The tuition fee can be paid in its entirety for a full academic year, or in instalments for each academic semester (autumn/spring). The Student is responsible for paying the fee through Paytrail at the website of Novia UAS. If there are payment issues the Student must immediately contact Student Services. The fee for the academic year must be paid in connection to the acceptance of the study place the first year, and the 1 September for the following year(s). If the tuition fee is paid in instalments, the spring semester fee is due by 1 January and the autumn semester fee is due by 1 September. The Student cannot register attendance for the academic year or semester before the fee is paid.
4.2.2 Return and transfer Policy for tuition fees
The tuition fee is returned in the following situations only for new students:
- If the residence permit application is rejected by the Finnish Immigration Service and the student can provide a copy of the negative decision to the Admissions Services, (only for full-time studies/or studies that require regular contact studies). A precondition for refund of tuition fee is that no irregularities appear in the decision from the Finnish Immigration Service. For online degrees, no refund is possible based on a negative residence permit application as the online studies do not require contact studies in Finland.
- If the student’s residence permit status changes during the autumn semester so that she/he no longer is required to pay fees, and can show evidence of this in connection with the start of the studies,
- The student has been admitted conditionally and the condition is not met (for example does not meet health requirements for the degree),
- The degree programme is not offered/or cancelled.
A condition for all refunds of tuition fees is that no studies have been completed within the study right.
The tuition fee can be transferred to the next semester/academic year in the following situations only for new students:
- The start of the studies is delayed by a semester due to the processing time at the Finnish Immigration Services, in this case a student may transfer this payment to the following semester.
- The student wishes to keep the tuition fees intact at Novia UAS until he/she can start his/her studies due to special circumstances (ex. He/she has applied for a new residence permit)
The tuition fee can be returned during the studies in the following situations
- If the student’s residence permit status changes so that she/he no longer is required to pay fees not later than 1.8 for the autumn semester and 1.1 for the spring semester (a maximum of one academic year or two semesters)
- Tuition fee can be returned during the studies if the student has paid for a full academic year and graduates from the degree programme before commencing the following semester
The tuition fees are generally not returned if the student’s right to study has been withdrawn due to § 37 in the Degree Regulations.
The tuition fee can be transferred to the following semester in the following situations only for enrolled students:
- The student may due to special circumstances apply to transfer an already paid tuition fee (ex. If he/she has already paid for a full academic year and for a special reason needs to register as non-attending for the spring semester, in this case the spring semester fee may be transferred to the next semester).
Application for refund or transfer of tuition fees should be directed to admissions@novia.fi and are decided upon on a case by case basis by the Head of Student Services.
4.2.3 Failure to pay tuition fees
The Student will lose his/her right to study at Novia UAS if he/she does not pay the tuition fees in time because he/she has not registered attendance according to the regulations. It is possible for the Student to apply for a reinstated right to study according to the Degree Regulations, if he/she wishes to regain their right to study. In that case, the fee for reinstated right to study is 50 € and tuition fee set for that year will be collected. There are no guarantees that the right to study will be reinstated in this case, in general reinstated right to study can be granted from the following academic semester only.
4.3. Behavioral Obligations
The Student shall respect the resources and facilities offered by Novia UAS. The student is obliged to follow the Degree Regulations, if not disciplinary action may be taken. Novia UAS will not tolerate violence, bullying or intimidation of any kind. All cheating, plagiarism or other academic offences are taken very seriously. Formal disciplinary action will be taken against students who commit any above-mentioned acts. Disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with Novia’s Degree Regulations and may result in a warning from Novia’s President or suspension from studies.
4.4. Health/Medical Cover/Insurance
It is the responsibility of the Student to ensure that he/she possesses adequate and valid medical insurance as required by the Finnish Immigration Service. The Student is aware that Novia UAS does not have any insurance whatsoever related to the Student.
4.5. Accommodation
It is the responsibility of the Student to arrange accommodation for themselves. The Student is aware that Novia UAS does not provide any dormitories or other living services.
4.6 Practical training
It is the responsibility of the Student to arrange practical training placement in accordance with the curriculum.
5. Limitation of Liability
Novia UAS shall not be liable for any failure to perform as required by this Agreement, to the extent such failure to perform is caused due to circumstances beyond reasonable control. Those circumstances can be for example; strike or boycott, accidents, failure of any governmental approval required for full performance, civil disorders or commotions, acts of aggression, war, energy or other conservation measures, fire, explosions, failure of utilities, mechanical breakdowns, material shortages, disease, catastrophe or other such occurrences.
In addition, circumstances outside of Novia UAS’s reasonable control include, but is not limited to, over or under demand from students, staff illness, lack of funding, government restrictions, and/or changes in Ministry regulations.
If circumstances change outside the reasonable control of Novia UAS, Novia UAS reserves the right to change or cancel the Programme partly or in its entirety at any time without liability, even after the Student has registered at Novia.
Novia UAS is not liable for and does not warrant that the Programme is suitable for a specific – whatsoever – occupation/job/position/purpose.
Novia UAS is not liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages. Limitation of liability does not cover damages caused by intentional or gross negligent acts.
6. Miscellaneous
No amendments or variation to this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing. The Agreement is personal in nature; the Student may not assign this Agreement to a third party.
Any notice or other information that is required to be given by either Novia UAS or the Student relating to this Agreement must be in writing and may be given by hand or sent by post, facsimile transmission or email.
This Agreement and the relationship between the Parties shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Finland. In case of dispute or difference between the Parties arising out or in connection with this Agreement, the Parties shall first endeavour to settle it amicably. If the Parties are not successful in their dispute negotiations, the dispute shall be settled in the District Court of Ostrobothnia.
7. Validity
By paying the tuition fee, the Student agrees on the terms and conditions in this Agreement. The agreement shall remain in force until the end of the Student’s Programme, unless the right to study is terminated as a result of the Student withdrawing or being removed from the Programme by Novia.