Research permission
A research permission is always needed when students or staff members at Novia University of Applied Sciences (Novia UAS) are acting as informants on a research project. On this page you will find information, materials, and instructions regarding the application process for formal research permission.
Research permission application
An application for formal research permission is done by filling in the following pdf form.
The following documents, when applicable, are required to be attached when submitting the application:
- Research plan
- Data Managment Plan. See the instructions for DMP Tuuli on Novias Intranet if you work at Novia.
- Information in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the informants. (If you work at Novia, see Data protection templates on the intranet)
- Information intended to be delivered to the informants (e.g., information letter and consent form)
- Questionnaire, outline of iinterview or description of requested data
- If the research is of such nature, that an ethical review is required, a supporting statement is naturally required as an attachment. Further information on ethical reviews can be found on the TENK web pages.
Applications, including all required attachments, are to be sent to The application can be prepared in either Swedish or English. The application form and the attachments are to be attached as separate files to the e-mail. The files are preferably to be assigned names according to the model: surname-year-attachment-No. The associated pdf form is preferably signed electronically.
The evaluation process of research permissions typically lasts between two to four weeks. Be sure to file the application carefully and attach all required information. An incomplete application can extend the time of evaluation.
The granting of research permission
Research permission is mainly granted for such research projects and theses which contribute to the development and activities of Novia UAS. Additionally, national or international research projects, which have a potentially significant impact, are also considered when granting research permissions. If research permission is granted, Novia UAS reserves the right to publish information regarding the project, including the name(s) and contact information of those responsible for the research.
Novia UAS prefers to distribute possible links to questionnaires on the organization’s intranet. E-mail circulars are sent when particularly strong motivations advocate for such circulars, personal data is outsourced only in highly exceptional cases. By reducing the use of personal information, Novia UAS aims to improve data protection for its staff and students, ensure the integrity, quality, and validity of its research projects, and avoid survey fatigue.
We are not processing research permits during the holidays. We will get back to you regarding your research permits in early January. Happy holidays!