Jorge Gomez-Paredes

Jorge Gomez-Paredes 

Jorge Gomez-Paredes works as the team leader of Energy Transition research.  

Jorge holds a Ph.D. on Energy Science from the Department of Socio-Environmental Sciences, School of Energy Science, at Kyoto University. His research fits within the fields of ecological economics, political ecology, and industrial ecology, and is particularly focused on the application of mathematical models and systems thinking to assess Socio-Economic Metabolisms (i.e., the flow and transformation of energy and materials through/by a given socio-economic unit) and to understand the complexities of the Social-Ecological Systems that govern those metabolisms. Jorge uses this approach to analyse socio-environmental impacts of economic activities and whether potential sustainability solutions may succeed or fail. This approach is also useful for the analysis of sustainable consumption and production along global value-chains, “footprint” calculations, nexus analyses, and the assessment of international spillover effects.  

Before moving into academia, Jorge worked for several years in the private sector as an Environmental Engineer (both in national and multinational companies). As an academic, Jorge has taught several courses on sustainability topics at the undergraduate level (at Yachay Tech University - Ecuador) and master's level (at Justus Liebig University Giessen - Germany). He has mentored several master’s students from Florida International University (USA) and the University of Sydney (Australia), and has been a principal investigator (PI), Co-PI, project-manager, and collaborator in various international projects. 

Other current roles and affiliations include:  

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Earth and Climate Sciences Division, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University (USA)
  • Manager of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the Andean Region (South America)
  • Member of the Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU), at Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany) 
  • Expert member at the Global Solutions Initiative – The World Policy Forum. 


Jorge Gomez-Paredes
