Researcher Spotlight: Jonna Engström-Öst
Jonna Engström-Öst
I am a researcher at Novia UAS and work with different marine biological projects. I supervise two PhD students, Ella von Weissenberg and Andriana Koutsandrea. I did my PhD in the University of Helsinki on cyanobacteria, zooplankton and planktivore interactions in the EZECO research group, supervised by Markku Viitasalo. Part of my post-doc, I stayed in the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia. Later I was a Research Fellow, and run an Academy project, funded by the Academy of Finland, studying cyanobacteria-zooplankton interactions during climate change, as well as ocean acidification effects on zooplankton, respectively.
Research interests
- Plankton eco-physiology during eutrophication and climate change.
- Consequences of ocean acidification and warming on zooplankton.
Selected publications
- Zervoudaki S, Protopapa M, Koutsandrea A, Jansson A, von Weissenberg E, Fyttis , Sakavara A, Kavakakis K, Chariati C, Anttila K, Bourdin P, Mostajir B, Vidussi F & Engström-Öst J (2024) Zooplankton responses to simulated marine heatwave in the Mediterranean Sea using in situ mesocosms. Plos One 19: e0308846.
- Forsblom L, Stoffers T, Lindén A, Lehtiniemi M & Engström-Öst J (2024) Warming drives abundance and phenological changes in zooplankton. Marine Biology 171: 116.
- von Weissenberg E, Ruhanen H, Holopainen M, Käkelä R, Engström-Öst J (2024) Fatty acid profiles reveal dietary variability of a large calanoid copepod Limnocalanus macrurus in the northern Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 11:1340349.
- von Weissenberg E, Mottola G, Uurasmaa T-M, Anttila K, Engström-Öst J (2022) Combined effect of salinity and temperature on reproductive success and oxidative stress in brackish-water copepods. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 952863.
- Soulié T, Engström-Öst J, Glippa O (2022) Copepod respiration along a brackish salinity gradient. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 55: 107-119
- von Weissenberg E, Jansson A, Vuori KA & Engström-Öst J (2022) Copepod reproductive effort and oxidative status as responses to warming in the marine environment. Ecology and Evolution 12(2): e8594
- Forsblom L, Lindén A, Engström-Öst J, Lehtiniemi M & Bonsdorff E (2021) Identifying biotic drivers of population dynamics in a benthic-pelagic community. Ecology and Evolution 11:4035-4045.
- Jansson A, Klais R, Grinienė E, Rubene G, Semenova A, Lewandowska A & Engström-Öst J (2020) Functional shifts in estuarine zooplankton in response to climate variability. Ecology and Evolution 10: 11591-11606
- Engström-Öst J, Kanerva M, Vuori K, Riebesell U, Spisla C, & Glippa O (2020) Oxidative stress and antioxidant defence responses in two calanoid copepods under high pCO2 levels: a mesocosm study. Science of The Total Environment 745: 140600.
- Kuismanen L, Forsblom L, Engström-Öst J, Båmstedt U & Glippa O (2020) Salinity effects on egg production, hatching and survival of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda, Calanoida). Crustaceana 93(3-5):429-445.
- Forsblom L, Engström-Öst J, Lehtinen S, Lips I & Lindén A (2019) Environmental variables driving species and genus level changes in annual plankton biomass. Journal of Plankton Research 41: 925-938
- Engström-Öst J, Glippa O, Feely RA, Kanerva M, Keister JE, Alin SR, Carter BR, McLaskey AK, Vuori KA & Bednaršek N (2019) Eco-physiological responses of copepods and pteropods to ocean warming and acidification. Scientific Reports 9: 4748
- Bednaršek N, Feely RA, Beck M, Glippa O, Kanerva M & Engström-Öst J (2018) El Niño-related thermal stress coupled with ocean acidification negatively impacts cellular to population-level responses in pteropods along the California Current System with implications for increased bioenergetic costs. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 486
- Lehtiniemi M, Hartikainen S, Näkki P, Engström-Öst J, Koistinen A & Setälä O (2018) Size matters more than shape: ingestion of primary and secondary microplastics by small predators. Food webs e00097
- Glippa O, Engström-Öst J, Kanerva M, Rein A & Vuori: K (2018) Oxidative stress and antioxidant defence responses in Acartia copepods in relation to environmental factors. PLOS ONE 13: e0195981
- Lene Jacobsen & Jonna Engström-Öst (2018) Coping with environments; vegetation, turbidity and abiotics. In: Biology and ecology of pike. (eds. Nilsson, P. A. & Skov, C.) CRC Press.