Heidi Barman Geust

Heidi Barman-Geust

Heidi Barman-Geust works as a project manager at the Faculty of Bioeconomy. Heidi's areas of interest are rural areas and a sustainable food system. Recently the focus has been on local food, artisan food, continuous learning for rural entrepreneurs and wetlands.

Heidi has a master's degree in sociology, specializing in the environment and rural areas. Her master's thesis was about alternative food networks, especially the development of Reko rings in Finland.

Current projects

NylAF - Agroforestry I Nyland, 1.12024-31.12.2026. Promote sustainable agriculture by showing the potential of agroforestry.

Framtidens grönsaker, 1.1.2025-31.3.2027. Utveckla den Österbottniska växthusproduktionen gentemot framtida konsumentbehov.


Heidi has planned and been responsible for the course Permaculture and Regenerative Agriculture (30 credits).

Selected publications

Articles and blog posts

Master´s thesis


Please feel free to contact me regarding project collaborations.

Heidi Barman-Geust

Project Leader