5G HUB Vaasa
Period: 1.8.2021 - 13.12.2023
Content: The overall goal of the project is to research and develop 5G technology for industrial use by testing and piloting solutions based on 5G technology. The aim is to produce results for real industrial use based on different use cases and needs. The project will establish a 5G test laboratory on the premises of Technobothnia's research laboratory through a separate investment project.
Focus area: Hållbar energiteknik
Campus: Vasa Wolffskavägen 33
Financers: Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden (ERUF)
Project owner: Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
Project manager: John Dahlbacka
Partners: Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu, Vaasan yliopisto, Novia UAS