Sustainable Shipping
In safety-critical industries, such as in the maritime domain, accidents are always about failing to manage safety practices. Safety systems often do not support situational awareness, with seafarers not receiving adequate training. Avoiding accidents, therefore does not just concern the individual seafarer, but the practices and the culture of the industry as a whole.
We are experts in maritime operations and safety, constantly developing new, sustainable solutions to improve these areas within the industry. Safety deficiencies have a strong impact regarding the sustainable operation of a ship. Not only can we create solutions that prevent accidents, we can also reduce the environmental impact of shipping at the same time.
Novia University of Applied Science´s research team consists of multidisciplinary and agile expertise. The team combines the operational expertise of the maritime field, a deep understanding of safety and impact of human factors, with skills that focus on technology, digitalisation and smart solutions.
Our core expertise
Smart decision and support solutions help to perceive complex situations.
Maritime Data Solutions and our analytical frame works enable the optimization of shipping operations.
Safe and sustainable practices need to be continued through systematic development.
Remote and autonomous operations free humans to focus on the most critical situations.
In-depth shipping and logistics expertise create the solutions and changes that are needed within the industry.

Mirva Salokorpi
Research Manager
Research Manager Sustainable Shipping
From Finland out to the world
Finnish knowledge in shipping is valued around the world. Novia University of Applied Sciences is a member of the Waterborne Technology Platform, Waterborne TP, is a European research and innovation platform focused on the maritime sector.
Virtual Sea Trial
The Virtual Sea Trial project aims to develop a unified, distributed test environment for virtual sea trials and commissioning for the whole shipbuilding ecosystem. Sustainable, reliable, and greener testing and commissioning procedures are achieved by including radical new ideas on creating virtualized, shared testing environments from which the whole shipbuilding ecosystem can benefit.
Applied Research Platform for Autonomous Systems
Applied research of remotely operated, automated and autonomous systems is a globally important area for developmental work and innovation. However, vital testing infrastructures for testing implementations of said research results are still largely missing.
The aim of the ARPA project is to create an ambitious new platform for applied research on autonomous systems. The platform will enable different operators’ concrete RDI work in the field of smart operating environments.
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Questions about our projects and RDI?
You reach the staff at firstname.lastname@novia.fi. See full staff detail under "contact us".
Mirva Salokorpi
Research Manager
Research Manager Sustainable Shipping