
  • Combines new business models and entrepreneurial splashes with deep artistry and creativity.
  • Profiles itself with a diverse expertise in entrepreneurship, business development and cultural export both in cultural education and in the region.
  • Constantly introduce new ways to work effectively around development projects in the form of organization, leadership, project management and concept development.




QvarkCon 2018 i Jakobstad_Foto Jacob Åberg

With great knowledge in gameingindustry. Photo Jacob Åberg

Contact the Research Manager
Therese Sunngren Granlund_contact

Therese Sunngren-Granlund

Research Manager

Collaborate with us!

The team has expertise in the different sectors of culture such as development of operational conditions in visual arts, media, design, music, games industry and theatre. Our expertise exists in business development in industries with weak business expertise, especially in the so-called “post-business plan era” with tools such as Business Model Canvas, Value-Proposition Design and Lean startups. We also offer concepts for entrepreneurial development in education. RDI in Jakobstad is part of Allegro Ink in Campus Allegro and thus has access to exciting combinations of skills around creativity, entrepreneurship and pedagogy.

We offer services within:

  • Effective project management and change leadership — to enthuse change and new ways of functioning
  • Business development and strategy using Lean startup
  • Concept development and experimentation - design of the project's actions in new, exciting ways
  • Audient Mobilisation — Creating a Local People's Mobilisation
  • To work in teams, to lead teams and to coach groups

In addition, we offer the following workshops:

  • The Allegro Ink Experience — a process where cultural entrepreneurs are coached to develop their business activities (the process is about 10 weeks long)
  • Association Condition — a Strategic Development Workshop for the Third Sector (workshop and lecture 3-5h)
  • Minnovation lab - development of innovation processes using children's boundless creativity (tailored according to customer needs)
  • Set Your Focus — a tool for entrepreneurial development and strategic lifestyle planning. (workshop 3-5h or a longer process, can be customized customer's needs)

Questions about our projects and RDI?

You reach the staff at See full staff detail under "contact us"

Therese Sunngren-Granlund

Research Manager

Köpmansgatan 10