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Sustainable Futures- Biogas Value Chain for Circular Economy Competence Growth in Zambia (SF-BioVac)

About the project

The Sustainable Futures- Biogas Value Chain for Circular Economy Competence Growth in Zambia (SF-BioVaC) Project is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland and administered under the Finnish National Agency for Education's Higher Education Partnership (HEP) programme. This cooperation is both the result and continuation of an already existing cooperation between Novia UAS, University of Zambia (UNZA) and Copperbelt University (CBU), with University of Oulu as a new member to the consortium. Novia UAS is the Lead Partner. The project works closely with key stakeholders such as the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) of Zambia as a non-academic partner and ZAMBEEF Products PLC as a key stakeholder, project activities will involve industries in both partner countries. 

Zambia is currently facing a big challenge in managing waste as it affects both environment and the well-being of the population, especially the most vulnerable ones as they are often the ones who suffer from bad waste management. Zambia’s government has indicated the political will to solve the waste problem and is eager to support collaborations such as this. Furthermore, Zambia has an electricity capacity shortfall of 165 MW, and the country produces a considerable amount of biowaste coming from the agricultural, farming and food processing industry to mention a few. Biogas has the potential to produce energy hence cutting dependency on fossil fuels and can be an off-grid system, extending its applicability to rural areas. Additionally, there is potential to produce local biofertilizer (digestate) from available municipal organic waste and livestock manure from commercial facilities that would meet a significant share of the country’s fertilizer demand. 

The partners in this project build capacities within the biogas value chain and introduce sustainable business models and circular design to contribute to solving some of the challenges mentioned above. The project contributes to increasing the institutional capacity of the HEIs in CE to be able provide a work-life relevant education, to improve students’ and teachers' applied research skills and strengthen the university-industry collaboration, widening the awareness of CE and its potential.  

Whilst the focus is on Zambia, HEIs in both Finland and Zambia benefit from the project, as it creates competence growth in sustainability and circular economy from a global perspective.  The project covers the themes; Energy Transition, Circular Economy and Climate Change.

Project goal

The project aims at contributing to High-quality, inclusive and working life relevant higher education in Zambia to support sustainable development and the transition towards a circular economy with biogas as an alternative form of energy. This is achieved by building capacity in the partner HEIs through theoretical and practical training in circular economy (CE) in the waste-to-energy sector in Zambia with focus on biogas.

The objectives are achieved through:

1. Building a lab-scale biogas pilot plant at UNZA as a learning platform for all the stakeholders, designed and built by the Zambian team (student centered).

2. Respective workshops and courses for management, staff, students, industry and respective stakeholders in:
a. Biogas Production & Process Design
b. Circular Business Models
c. Problem-Based learning
d. Sustainability and Circular Designs

3. Circular Innovation Camp with real industrial cases promoting co-creation to improve industry-academia relations in Zambia.

4. Mobility for knowledge exchange with hands on activities and company visits.

UN's Sustainable Development Goals

3 Good Health
4 Quality Education
6 Clean Water and Sanitation
7 Clean Energy
9 Industry
11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
13 Climate Action
cynthia soderbacka

Cynthia Söderbacka

Project Leader

Period: 1.1.2024 - 31.8.2026
Focus area: Sustainable Technology
Research theme: Sustainable Energy Technology
Campus: Vasa, Jakobstad, Åbo
Total budget: 1096222 €
Novia share of total budget: 585260 €
Financers: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Finnish National Agency for Education
Partners: University of Oulu, University of Zambia, Copperbelt University
External coordinator: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet