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About the project

Kompetensbanken (The Competency Bank) is a three-year project with the aim of providing professionals and future professionals with better tools for supporting socially vulnerable groups, with special focus on children, youth, families, and the elderly. This is achieved through three work packages that focus on Competency Production, Competency Market and creating a so called Competency Bank.

Project goal

Within the first two work packages (Competency Production and Competency Market) materials and methods are developed and tested and skill enhancement in preventive work is enabled. The result of the third work package (Competency Bank) is a digital platform for easily accessible tools serving the needs of professionals within healthcare and social care work.

UN's Sustainable Development Goals

3 Good Health
4 Quality Education
8 Decent Work
10 Reduced Inequalities
Heidi Kronqvist

Heidi Kronqvist

Project Leader

Period: 1.9.2023 - 30.9.2026
Focus area: Well-being in Society
Research theme: Best Interest of Children
Campus: Vasa, Åbo
Novia share of total budget: 337485 €
Financers: Stiftelsen Brita Maria Renlunds minne, Stiftelsen Eschnerska Frilasarettet, Sundells stiftelse
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