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Havsfåglar & Vindkraft - Forskningsprojekt om havsfåglars områdesanvändning på projektområden ämnade för storskalig havsbaserad vindkraft

About the project

The goal of the project is to investigate how the space use of seabirds overlaps with current offshore wind power projects. To investigate this, we fit lesser black-backed gulls from breeding colonies on the Finnish west coast located next to current wind energy project areas with GPS transmitters. This makes it possible to investigate how seabirds equipped with transmitters are spatially and temporally exposed to the areas intended for energy production. Our overall goal is to strengthen ecological considerations related to the expansion of offshore wind power in Finland. Understanding the movement patterns of species vulnerable to wind energy is a first step to identify potential conflicts and thus contribute to reducing the impact on marine ecosystems.
Period: 1.5.2024 - 31.12.2025
Focus area: Bioekonomi och hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser
Campus: Raseborg
Financers: Svenska kulturfonden
Partners: BirdLife Finland