Bothnia Business Heritage - Interreg Aurora

Interreg Aurora Lapin Liitto Skelleftea kommun Region Norrbotten Region Vasternorrland

Period: 1.1.2023 - 31.8.2025

Content: Throughout history, the Gulf of Bothnia has been an essential channel to the world, which has resulted in the region's rich industrial cultural heritage. Unfortunately, this heritage is not often acknowledged in today's business life, and therein lies unutilized potential. The unique industrial history of the area has the potential to strengthen the identity of today's industry, highlighting its authenticity and long traditions. In addition, knowledge about this history can contribute to a sense of pride in one's business and region, which is beneficial on many levels in society.

The project aims to support cultural heritage actors to renew themselves and find new collaboration opportunities with the business sector. Models for cooperation between cultural heritage actors and businesses will be developed together with the target groups. The cultural heritage actors will learn how to create products and service packages that will enrich today's businesses. The process of developing services will be documented in a clear service development model that is freely available after the project has ended.

The project will also launch the Bothnia Business Heritage Network, where cultural heritage actors get to share their experiences and knowledge, discuss ideas, receive training, and together raise the visibility and relevance of the cultural heritage. Furthermore, it will provide grounds for meetings and innovative collaborations between heritage actors and businesses.

Focus area: Konst kultur och entreprenörskap

Campus: Jakobstad

Financers: Interreg Aurora, Lapin Liitto Skellefteå kommun, Region Västernorrland, Region Norrbotten

Project owner: Centria University of Applied Sciences

Project manager: Daniel Ainasoja

Partners: Centria-ammattikorkeakoulu, KulturÖsterbotten, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå museum, Västernorrlands museum
