The vision becomes a reality when salon Beauty Beneath takes shape

News Estenom (YH) Bachelor of Beauty and Cosmetics, Beauty Care,
Maryam Amraei

The project for the Beauty Care students’ new salon Beauty Beneath on Campus Vasa began in the fall of 2022. The idea of the salon is to create a gathering place for the Beauty Care students’ different areas of study - skin care, make-up, styling, hair and nails – all in the same room. The goal is to create a place where students can not only receive clients and organize events, but also have access to a modern space for practical exercises. 

"We already work a lot on creating and holding events in our courses, because the beauty industry is largely based on customer service and interaction with others. The salon was also built to enable students to gain more experience in the industry during their studies, and thus become more comfortable with receiving customers while at the same time practicing their skills”, says Beauty Care student Julia Westerlund, one of the project managers for the salon. 

From idea to reality

Together with the Head of Degree Programme Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck and the other project manager Sahra Elmi, she has converted a former kitchen storage room into the current salon. After an extensive renovation and with inspiration and help from classmates, the salon has become a place that reflects the wishes and needs of all Beauty Care students. 

So far, the biggest part of the work has been getting the salon ready for use and there is still a few final adjustments to be made. The plan is to officially open the salon in the fall of 2024, when it will be integrated in the studies and receive customers and groups. The salon will offer services in all areas of education such as facials, hair care and styling, make-up, nail care and styling. Beauty Beneath differs from traditional salons in that it is maintained by students and does not follow regular opening hours, as everything takes place within the framework of studies. The salon has been created with inspiration from the students' own studies and wishes, and the ambition is to offer something original. 

"We have really tried to create a salon with a little twist from the more traditional salons we all are familiar with. We wanted to create something unique and special on campus and in Vaasa that people are truly drawn to. We are looking forward to a more official opening and have high expectations for what Beauty Beneath will offer", says Westerlund

Internship in the salon

Currently, the salon is used as a place for the students to do their internship. One of those currently doing her internship there is third-year student Maryam Amraei. During the spring, she and the other interns have organized events and received clients to test the space. Although the salon has not officially opened, many customers have already found their way there. 

"We have marketed ourselves through Instagram and events and that way we have received many bookings. I really enjoy working in the salon. It turned out great and everything we need is here”, says Amraei

And the name of the salon then? It not only reflects the salon's location in the basement of the campus, but also the message of how important it is to take care of yourself both inside and out. 

Beauty Beneath

Beauty Beneath
Beauty Beneath
Beauty Beneath
Beauty Beneath
Beauty Beneath

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