Novia's RDI Seminar
Welcome to Novia University of Applied Science’s RDI Seminar!
Novia UAS, the largest Swedish-speaking University of Applied Sciences in Finland, welcomes you to the RDI seminar on 19th of April in Turku! The theme for the day is Sustainability, Digitalisation, and Interdisciplinary Sciences. We will hear different views on the subject from invited experts.
This event offers you a supreme opportunity to network and to get familiar with our Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) activities. The day will give you a new understanding of our RDI projects and perhaps open new possibilities for cooperation.
The seminar is held in English.
Please register for the event no later than 14th of April.
Venue: Auriga Business Center
Address: Juhana Herttuan Puistokatu 21, Turku, Finland.
12:00 Welcoming words and introduction
Eva Sandberg-Klipi, Vice President of Novia UAS
Johanna Liinamaa, Head of Research at Novia UAS
12:30: Panel Discussion, Sustainability
Has the buzz gone out of sustainability? Is the world plunging into doom while we argue semantics? Meet our experts working in fields that can make or break the global sustainability challenge.
Participants: Johan Saarela (Stormossen), Sara Libäck-Sandin (Losvik & Flen), Farid Karimi (University of Jyväskylä), Anika Nicolaas-Ponder (IKEM - Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility)
Panel Chairs: Marianne Fred and Hanna Guseff, Novia UAS
13:30 - 13:40 Break
13:40: Panel Discussion, Digitalisation
Digitalisation – an unavoidable dash towards the metaverse, something to prioritise, or just a smooth process? How does the digitalisation process impact different areas in our society and what progress is being made? Certainly, the pros are many, but what about cons? This is what our multidisciplinary team will discuss.
Participants: Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg (Åbo Akademi University), Simon Schäfer-Stradowsky (IKEM - Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility), Johan Westö (Novia UAS), Robert Grundmann (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft)
Panel Chairs: John Dahlbacka, Annika Wentjärvi and Mirva Salokorpi, Novia UAS
14:40 - 15:10 Networking and & Poster Presentation
15.15: Panel Discussion, Interdisciplinarity
Are we truly capable of thinking across boundaries or are we limited to our reference approach? Can there be researchers without any core academic discipline? Are successful projects always based on collaboration?
Participants: Einat Amir (Aalto University), Nina Tynkkynen (Åbo Akademi University), Daniela Mårtenson (Centria University of Applied Sciences)
Panel Chairs: Ruslan Gunko and Therese Sunngren-Granlund, Novia UAS