New Guidebook Launched: How to bring a Bollywood production to your region

Culture as a Force for Change RDI

“Attracting filmmakers and developing your region - a guide and toolbox on how to do it” is a new guidebook on engaging Indian film productions, in Europe. The publication is part of the outcomes of a joint project between Novia University of Applied Sciences and University partners in Switzerland, Poland, Slovenia and India. 

As the largest producer of films in the world, the Indian film industry produces between 1,500 and 2,000 films annually, and for the past ten years about 50 Indian films productions have yearly been shot in European locations. The Indian film industry is perhaps mainly associated with Bollywood, but it also consists of other film industries, e.g. Tollywood and Kollywood. The project FilmInd - The Indian film industry as a driver of new socio-economic connections between India and Europe, aimed to understand the mobilisation of European locations in Indian cinema and to link these practices to the contexts of tourism, diplomacy, and new economic opportunities.  

The project sought to understand how locations were chosen, the infrastructure of film productions in foreign locations, and the spill-over effects to other sectors in the region where productions take place.  

“The research conducted in the FilmInd project shows that a first step for a city or region, towards appearing on the global film map, is to learn about the value that the film industry creates, and to recognise film productions as part of the regional economy. Secondly, it is important to identify unique local and regional strengths, in order to market them effectively.” says Therese Sunngren-Granlund, Research Manager at Novia UAS, and one of the researchers in the FilmInd-project. 

The publication is also a workshop guide on regional development. The guide will help the reader to think outside the box when it comes to regional development and place branding through film and TV productions.  

“If you make a conscious effort to see a region from new perspectives and stay open minded when involving stakeholders and collaboration partners in the development process, the results may surprise you. We have created material which will help you find your location’s unique assets – the heart and soul of the region, says Malin Winberg, Project Manager at Novia UAS, and one of authors of the publication.  

About the publication  

Attracting filmmakers and developing your region: A Guide and Toolbox on how to do it

Authors: Therese Sunngren-Granlund and Malin Winberg, Novia UAS  

Novia publikation och produktion, Serie: R, Rapporter 4/2023
ISBN 978-952-7526-00-2 (online)
ISSN 1799-4179
CC BY 4.0