Light in the Dark Project – 11 Actors Boost the Baltic Sea Region’s Tourism Sector

Sustainable Communities and Businesses RDI Nordic cooperation
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Tourism flourishes around the Baltic Sea region during the high season, but the winter season is cold, dark, and often lacking in snow. How can we become better at creating experiences for tourists during the off-season and enhance the tourism industry for our local operators? This is the focus of the new project ”Light in the Dark” , led by Novia University of Applied Sciences.

Actors from Finland, Sweden, Åland Islands, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania will collaborate in this joint project to highlight the advantages of the Baltic Sea region during the off-season and discover new service models for tourism operators.  

Modern tourists are explorers, seeking unique experiences. They expect customized experiences and efficient service, value nature, and are willing to extend their stay.  

The project aims to create products to meet the modern tourist’s demands with the goal of extending the tourism season by developing a transnational northern Baltic Sea archipelago concept for nature-based tourism.  

“In concrete terms, we will create an autumn-winter-spring package consisting of three product experience packages under the concept of “Light in the Dark” for small and medium-sized enterprises and destination management organizations", says  Hanna Guseff, Research Manager at Novia UAS.  

“Light in the Dark” is a substantial transnational project involving universities of applied sciences, small and medium-sized enterprises, and development organizations. The project actors connect relevant stakeholders and companies from different countries around the northern Baltic Sea region.  

“The goal is for our concept to assist the tourism sector in better responding to and adapting their operations for the off-season, while also building resilience among businesses operating in the archipelago and coastal areas.”  

The project is funded by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.

About the project

Partners: Åland University of Applied Sciences, Cursor Oy, Klaipeda University, Kurzeme Planning region, Visit Åland, Visit Stockholm/Stockholm Archipelago, Hiiumaa Dvelopment Center, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Rural Tourism

Period: 9.8.2023 - 31.1.2027

For more information, contact 

Novia University of Applied Sciences, Research Manager Hanna Guseff, tel. 040-556 2051