Novia UAS launches Master of Engineering - Autonomous Maritime Operationsin Turku, Finland

Press release
simu16.11.2017 3

Novia University of Applied Sciences in Turku, Finland has launched a first-of-its-kind education, Master of Engineering - Autonomous Maritime Operations >. Application period is 15 November – 15 December 2017.

The aim of the degree programme is to educate engineers and seafarers to meet the requirements for the fourth industrial revolution in maritime technology. The programme has a special focus on the digitalization of maritime operations and will start in February 2018. The degree title is Master of Engineering, Autonomous Maritime Operations. The programme comprises 60 ECTS and the study language is English.

The studies are optimized for flexible learning and studying, parallel with fulltime employment ashore or at sea. The major part of the studies and instruction are conducted using a learning platform.

The following topics are covered in the programme:

  • Introduction to studies and introduction to Marine operations
  • Autonomous vessels - automation
  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Human-Machine Interaction
  • Remote Operations
  • Cyber Security and Connectivity
  • Classification, Qualification and Safety Perspectives

The new education is a result of the shipping industry’s training needs

Per-Olof Karlsson, Head of Aboa Mare Maritime Academy and Training Center, says that he has received numerous contacts from the shipping industry seeking for an education corresponding to the requirements of the digitalization in the shipping industry. In addition, the Finnish Maritime Authorities have expressed the importance of an education within this new field. Aboa Mare has now met the shipping industry’s training needs by launching this new education for both engineers and seafarers.

Eligibility to apply

The application period has started. The application period for this programme is 15 November - 15 December 2017. Eligibility to apply to this programme is conferred by an appropriate UAS Bachelor’s degree or another appropriate higher education degree and at least three years of subsequent work experience in a relevant field. Seafaring and shipbuilding are examples of relevant fields. Bachelor’s degrees completed in a relevant field can be naval architecture, automation and ICT engineering. Apply at www. There is no tuition fee for EU/EES students, and for non-EU/EES-students the tuition fee is 9 000 euro per academic year.

Career opportunities after conducted studies

After the studies, the graduate will be qualified to pursue a wide range of career opportunities. Graduates will be better suited for future employments related to the digitalization in the maritime sector.

Questions about the education
Novia University of Applied Sciences
Head of Programme Mr Micael Vuorio, phone 044 762 3413
or Head of Aboa Mare Mr Per-Olof Karlsson, phone 044 762 3402 

Novia University of Applied Sciences
Head of Communications Jenny Svartsjö
phone 050 561 7803