Novia Alumni Satisfied With Their Education

Novia Press release
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Alumni from Novia University of Applied Sciences were the most diligent respondents in a career development survey carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture during a three-week period in the autumn. Novia’s response rate was 59,5% - the highest in the country. Over 90% of respondents were satisfied with their degree.

Novia’s 2016 graduates shared their experiences via a survey that was carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The survey consisted of questions concerning the graduates’ education and career, and it provides ideas for the development of the university’s activities. The respondents’ answers can also be compared to those from other universities.

“I’d like to express my sincere thanks to our alumni for their valuable input. Novia maintains its top position for the second year in a row in regard to the response rate, which shows that we have committed alumni. This makes us very happy. We’ll now carefully analyze the survey results,” says Mr Örjan Andersson, President and CEO of the Novia University of Applied Sciences.

The survey will be used to develop the university’s degree programmes. For instance, last year’s survey prompted the decision to launch free-of-charge, open courses at the university of applied sciences for registered alumni.

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In recent years, Novia UAS has focused on strengthening its alumni activities by developing communication efforts with the alumni and arranging various activities.

“I’m super happy that we have so many committed alumni. They are one of our most important stakeholder groups. We’ve worked actively in recent years to strengthen the dialogue, and we’ve received tremendously positive feedback from the contacts we’ve established in connection with the survey,” states Alumni Coordinator Mrs Isabella Alén.

For more information, contact:
Novia University of Applied Sciences
Alumni Coordinator, Isabella Alén
Tel. +358-50 472 7805

Novia University of Applied Sciences
President, Örjan Andersson
Tel. +358-50 527 2286