
Novia UAS makes an impact both nationally and internationally due to its areas of strength. Through its networks, Novia is the most active Finnish university in the other Nordic countries.
Novia makes a difference.

Profile and Areas of Strength

Novia UAS is a working life oriented and international university that supports sustainable societal development, competence supply, and public services in the Swedish language in Finland. Novia works to strengthen Finland’s ties to the Nordic cultural community and promote Nordic working life cooperation. Areas of strength: Sustainable Solutions, Creative Expression, Entrepreneurship and Welfare Design.


  • Our actions are based on participation, openness, respect, and responsibility
  • We work for equality and equal treatment
  • We work for sustainable development
  • We emphasize an open-minded, dynamic, and creative community
  • We value each other’s knowledge and grow professionally  in our tasks
  • We care about a supportive study and work community
  • We keep our customer promise  and achieve results
  • We stand for quality
  • We are up-to-date and credible

Areas of Expertise






in Society


Sustainable Communities
and Businesses


Culture as a Force
for Change


Systemic Transformation
to Build Resilience

  • Vaasa Campus
  • Turku Campus
  • Aboa Mare, Turku
  • Raasepori Campus
  • Campus Allegro, Pietarsaari
Other Business Points

•  Subic Bay, Philippines

  • Technology and Seafaring
  • Health and Welfare 
  • Business
  • Arts and Culture 
  • Bioeconomy

Students 5000
Staff 350

University of Applied Sciences Group at the Åbo Akademi University

Novia University of Applied Sciences

  • Schauman Hall (Jakobstads konsertsal Ab)
    (Ownership 100 %)
  • Aboa Mare Ab
    (Ownership 70 %)
  • EduNova Ab
    (Ownership 50 %)
  • GigaMare Inc
    (Ownership 20 %)
ncu_dnv 2

Areas of Strength

The goal of Novia UAS is to be a forerunner in its areas of strength in Finland and an attractive cooperation partner internationally. These areas of strength are shared across all of Novia UAS and form the foundation of our education and RDI activities. Our areas of strength also allow us to contribute to shaping Finland's ability to build a fair, sustainable, and inspiring future, where people thrive within the Earth’s ecological limits. We can adapt to the Earth’s carrying capacity by investing in an ecological reconstruction of society and everyday life. We can also revitalise the economy towards a more competitive direction while adhering to the principles of sustainable and responsible development. We can strengthen democracy by increasing participation and opportunities for influence. All of this requires forward thinking and adaptability.

Sustainable Solutions

Novia UAS has extensive experience in developing and applying solution models for global sustainability, especially in ecological and technological terms. How environmental resources are used is crucial for both individual well-being and maintenance of the welfare society. The current global use of natural resources has led to a sustainability gap and increased the need for ecological reconstruction methods. The international community’s efforts to rapidly achieve carbon-neutral solutions to reduce climate impact motivate continued strong investments in sustainable energy technology, circular economy, and sustainable bioeconomy.

In the field of bioeconomy, we aim to create an integrated approach, which allows different sectors to meet and generate new, processed products and services instead of the direct use of raw materials. In the energy sector, Novia supports activities to transition to completely renewable energy systems where energy storage also plays a significant role. In terms of building technology, Novia is a pioneer in sustainable construction with complementary expertise in intelligent and energy-efficient system solutions for more environmentally friendly and carbon-neutral buildings. By combining technical expertise and maritime competence, Novia also actively contributes to the development of offshore energy solutions. This work is supported by continuous knowledge development in the field of new e-fuels and hydrogen, as well as research in the biogas sector. In the field of health and welfare, we support social sustainability through intercultural and interprofessional competence, as well as knowledge within the Nordic welfare model.

Creative Expression

Novia UAS aims to promote diversity of cultural expressions. By fostering cultural awareness and understanding, the university contributes to students’ personal development and a broadened global understanding. Novia encourages reflection and dialogue, leading to increased awareness of the value and significance of diversity.

Cultural integrity and creativity are fundamental to our operations, and we strive to create an environment where creative expressions are a natural part of studies and work. Through engagement in cultural activities and cross-sectoral collaborations, we aim to inspire and promote a creative and explorative attitude towards learning. By integrating cultural perspectives into our curricula and providing opportunities for practical cultural experiences, we aim to equip our students with the necessary tools to become aware and engaged members of society.

Creative industries have a significant economic and employment impact. They support regional development and vitality and diversify the economic structure. As the growth of creative industries also relies on intangible value, the development of these sectors supports Finland’s sustainable growth program and the goal of carbon neutrality. 


An entrepreneurial approach and attitude are part of the culture at Novia. Self-confidence, awareness, courage, and creativity are characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset. Key aspects include the ability to communicate and collaborate, take initiative, solve problems, manage risks, plan, and work purposefully. It is not just about promoting entrepreneurship, but also supporting the development of active, initiative-driven, and innovative individuals who can lead development processes in companies or other organisations. Membership in Drivhuset Norden supports both our methods and expands our network in the Nordic region.

At Novia UAS, we foster entrepreneurship among our students through educational methods such as business assignments, team-based learning, guidance, and mentoring for the establishment of real businesses.

Welfare Design

Welfare design aims to create a good life for everyone. This involves developing new methods, tools, and approaches for a sustainable, ethical, economic, efficient, and health-promoting working life and society.

Welfare is a comprehensive term encompassing people’s living conditions. It includes personal finances, health, education, working life, housing conditions, culture, and much more. From a Nordic perspective, emphasis is placed on civil rights, equality, and solidarity. Design promotes functionality, well-being, equality, and sustainable lifestyles, and it also creates, develops, and improves sustainable solutions and optimal experiences for both producers and users. Design areas can include social welfare and health care, education, industry, production, commerce, and culture.


Growth Area

Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence

The goal of Novia is to become a national pioneer in applied intelligent systems and AI as well as an attractive cooperation partner internationally. Novia UAS strategically focuses on new practical applications of the latest widely applicable AI techniques, including language models, and how these can be combined with existing knowledge for modelling and optimising processes as well as for developing AI agents and other autonomous systems. This broad and applied approach supports societal and business development for the changes brought about by the AI revolution. Novia promotes responsible and effective use of the newest technology to improve people’s lives and society’s functioning in the form of AI readiness.

Novia’s Intelligent Systems Institute is a high-quality actor in the development of work-oriented applications of intelligent systems. The institute develops and offers expertise in using data to create value-added solutions with AI. With a wide range of education, training, and RDI services in areas such as machine learning, decision support systems, strategic data management, and analytics, Novia enhances both the understanding and benefits of these enabling technologies for intelligent systems. The offering is continuously developed and expanded to meet future needs in a society where digital technology and intelligent systems are increasingly integrated into our daily lives. VR and XR solutions support the visualisation and understanding of the models created.

Three strategic goals

Sustainable Solutions for
Climate Change Mitigation


Nordic Cooperation for
Welfare and Resilience


Global Orientation for a
Sustainable Future


Novia Strategy