Novias selected Development Goals

Sustainability and Responsibility
Sustainability and responsibility have long been important issues for Novia, but the work has further intensified during 2023. We take sustainability issues into account when we update curricula, and many of our projects in research, development and innovation have sustainability and climate issues in focus. In our strategy, we express our responsibility to educate for a sustainable society. We measure our footprints but place an even greater focus on changes our handprints can create the conditions for. Novia has selected seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that we particularly focus on. We believe in the role education has in the global adjustment process that is currently underway. Through our activities in research, development and innovation, we want to contribute to the implementation of these goals. We have a long way to go, and we have an important responsibility.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
We contribute to the skills supply in health and well-being.
We actively participate in the management of national and global health risks.

Goal 4: Quality Education
We place students, teaching, and quality at the core.
We respond to the needs of the working life with relevant education and applied research.
We support lifelong learning and an individual’s personal development.
We constantly evolve in our tasks and value each other’s knowledge.
We possess an entrepreneurial way of working and approach, and we support both the external and internal entrepreneurship of our students.
We promote the integration of our international students and alumni in order to support post-graduation employment and, consequently, the regional skills supply.

Goal 9: Sustainable Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
We have extensive and practically applicable know-how in the industrial sector that we combine with RDI activities in sustainable energy technology.
We develop and innovate industrial technologies, processes, and working methods to secure increased sustainability.
We strive to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization while simultaneously developing new, sustainable energy services and transport systems.
We seek to ensure a robust infrastructure, reduce environmental impacts, and promote innovations.

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
We emphasize human rights and the equal value of all people.
We encourage everyone to be norm-critical and to question their own values and established patterns.
We carry out active discussions on what each of us can do in our daily lives to reduce inequality and to become more conscious of our own actions.
We seek to offer everyone the opportunity to be included in society and have a fair standard of living.
We promote inclusion and ensure equal opportunities, thus reducing discrimination and the risk of conflicts.

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
We procure services, energy, and goods in a sustainable and ethical manner.
We choose sustainable energy solutions in agreement with property owners.
We practice functional waste sorting for all waste fractions.
Circular economy permeates all our operations.
We enable flexible ways of working.

Goal 13: Climate Action
We increase the knowledge and capacity to tackle climate change.
We strive to be carbon-neutral by 2030.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
We cooperate and share information about science, technologies, and innovations in accordance with the principles of open science and education.