Plan for Equality and Equal Treatment
Plan for Equality and Equal Treatment 2022-2024 →
In the event of any discrepancies between the Swedish and the English versions, the original Swedish version shall prevail.
1. Introduction
The purpose of the equality and equal treatment plan is to provide Novia University of Applied Sciences (later only Novia) with tools to target gender equality towards all genders and to ensure equal treatment, prohibiting discrimination during the planning period 2022-2024. The promotion of equality and equal treatment is part of the entire university's activities, preparation and decision-making is therefore an obligation for every member of the higher education community as in the role of university and employer. However, the university's management and persons in a managerial position bear a special responsibility for the work on gender equality and equal treatment being carried out in a conscious and purposeful way. Novia's management should also maintain a good dialogue with the Novium Student Union in order to achieve the goals relating to the study community in the plan.
Novia's management, as an employer, is responsible for the development and implementation of equality and equal treatment measures and, for this purpose, organizes the resources required for the efforts. Convenient education, including equality and equal treatment issues, is organized with the aim of ensuring that adequate levels of competence are maintained.
Novia's equality and equal treatment plan is an overall instrument for drawing up the guidelines for the university's equality and equal treatment efforts. The overall follow-up is done in Novia's annual reports. Area specific follow-ups are done the area specific bodies. Gender equality work follows accepted principles for quality development. The goal is that everyone, students and employees, belong to the higher education community and are aware of equality and equal treatment practices.
Planning of equality and equal treatment is an important part of the work for all kinds of equality and ways of equal treatment in working life. The issues of equality and equal treatment are regulated in multiple pieces of legislation. The realization of gender equality increases the well-being of the work and the sense of justice of the workers and thereby strengthens the work motivation. As a result, increased gender equality can affect staff productivity and the organization’s competitiveness.
The aim is for everyone belonging to the higher education community, including students, employees and employers, to be aware of equality and non-discriminatory practices, therefore engaging actively towards the implementation of the plan.
The main points addressed in this plan are in accordance with the requirements of the Equality Act (Act on Equality between Women and Men) 1986/609, updated as per 1329/2014 and the Discrimination Act (2014/1325).
The Plan for Equality and Equal Treatment 2022-2024 has been handled within various working groups where both staff and students have been represented.
The Plan is a public document and is available on the Novia's website in both Swedish and English. The plan is drawn up for three years at a time and will be revised annually by Novia’s occupational safety and health committee. In connection with the annual revision, the entire staff will be informed about the changes.
Measures to promote equality must be effective, appropriate and proportionate, taking into account the operating environment, resources and other circumstances. The plan will be followed up and the method of the follow-up must be stated in the plan. The Plan for Equality and Equal Treatment is accompanied by an action plan with the relevant measures for the period 2022-2024.
All new employees and students will receive information about the plan and its goals.
2. Strategy and values
The ambition of the Novia 2030 strategy is to ensure that Novia is a prosperous and dynamic university, where employees have equal opportunities to develop their own skills. Novia serves as a platform for new knowledge and education that, in together with working life, can contribute to changing the world.
The foundation of our activities is found within our professional, committed and pedagogically reflective staff who consciously develop an open operating culture, with substantive knowledge and opportunities for cross-disciplinary and interprofessional cooperation.
Novia's values are as follows:
- We put students, learning and quality in the center
- We respond to the needs of the working life with relevant education and applied research
- We support continuous learning and the individual's personal development journey
- We are constantly evolving in our goals and value each other's knowledge
- We emphasize open-mindedness, dynamism and creativity in all our activities. Through continuous renewal and innovation, we can guarantee the university's attractiveness and competitiveness
- Students, staff and alumni are innovative Novians
- We promote entrepreneurship
- Our study and work community are characterized by openness, participation, respect and responsibility
- Our thinking is global and we work for sustainable development in accordance with agenda 2030
- We promote open science and research
Novia's Staff Strategy 2021 – 2023 is based on the Novia 2030 strategy. The Staff Strategy is in itself a strategic document that ensures that employees' competence is high quality, both in terms of training and other activities ensuring equality, commitment and high motivation amongst employees.
3. Equality
3.1 The legal basis of gender equality work
The aim of the Gender Equality Act (8.8.1986/609) is to prevent discrimination on the grounds of gender and to promote equality between women and men and to improve the position of women, especially in working life. The Act also aims to prevent discrimination on the grounds of gender identity or expression. Moreover, the Act provides for obligations to promote equality. The Act is generally applied in all social activities and in all areas of life.
Legally, there are two genders in Finland, women and men. At the individual level, self-defined gender, that is, the experience and the definition of one's own gender, is the preferred way of understanding gender. Education providers and other associations providing education or training shall ensure that women and men have equal opportunities for training and the advancement in their professions and that teaching, research and teaching materials support the purpose of this act.
Educational institutions and other communities responsible for education and teaching shall ensure that women and men have equal opportunities for education and advancement in the profession and that teaching, research and teaching aids support the purpose of the law.
The Gender Equality Plan aims to promote gender equality at Novia. The common goal of gender equality work at Novia is that the staff and the student's work and study environment provide equal opportunities to develop.
3.2 Objectives and principles for gender equality work at Novia
Gender equality is a goal that Novia undertakes to promote in all its activities. Discrimination on grounds of gender is not accepted. Gender equality is generally understood to mean the equal rights, obligations and opportunities of all genders. Equality is, above all, a matter of justice. The goal is to ensure all genders have the same rights and the same access to opportunities. Gender equality can also be seen as a socio-economic necessity and a quality factor. As everyone is given equal opportunities to develop and everyone's resources are utilized, the end result is better. Experience has shown that gender equality is not achieved without targeted measures and that development does not of itself go in the right direction. Gender equality work is an ongoing process that must be followed up continuously. The reward is that the entire organization benefits as everyone's resources are better utilized, and the working environment is improved.
The purpose of a university of applied sciences is to offer such higher education for professional-oriented expert assignments that are based on the requirements of working life and working life development, as well as research and artistic and cultural starting points, and to support students' professional development. The universities of applied sciences will also conduct applied research and development and innovation activities that promote vocational college education, promote working life and regional development and renew the business structure in the region, as well as conduct artistic activities. When the university of applied science fulfills its tasks, it should promote lifelong learning. Gender equality work helps Novia to achieve these goals.
3.3 Novia as an employer
Novia’s full-time work force consisted of 322 persons (Dec., 12, 2021) of which 60 % were women and 40 % men. On December 31, 2020 was the number of full-time work force 296, of which 60 % women and 40 % were men. A more detailed account of women and men in the different lines of businesses can be seen in Appendix 1.
Novia works for promoting equality by setting the following goals:
1. Promote that vacancies are and can be sought by all genders
2. Promote an even distribution in different tasks and create equal opportunities regardless of gender
3. Promote equality in terms of employment conditions, especially regarding pay
4. Develop working conditions so that they are suitable for all, regardless of gender
5. Make it easier to reconcile work and family life, especially by attaching respect to the working arrangements
6. Work to prevent gender discrimination
According to the Act on Equality between Women and Men, discrimination can be direct or indirect.
In order to counteract discrimination, Novia strives for transparency in hiring, setting salary and employment conditions, distribution of work duties, staff benefits and other similar situations. Novia will report in writing on its procedures if an employee considers themself to be sexually discriminated upon.
3.3.1 Recruitment
An open and transparent staff recruitment at Novia enables equality. Novia strives to achieve an even gender distribution in all staff categories. Prior to new hires, the employer's need for labor is documented in a profile description made by the foreman and the principal. The profile description is indicative when hiring.
3.3.2 Pay
In order to fulfill the principle of equal pay for equal or equivalent work, Novia follows a purposeful planning with both short- and long- term goals, taking into account the financial resources. Novia applies a pay system where the level of requirements, personal qualifications and achieved results are the guideline. Eligibility, qualifications, responsibilities, duties and results form the guiding foundation. A survey of wages and salary differences can be seen in Appendix 2.
3.3.3 Reconciliation between work and family life
Novia has a positive attitude towards parenthood and strives to enable a work-life balance for workers with young children, parents or close relatives in need of their care. Everyone is informed about their rights and obligations regarding sick leave, opportunities for family leave, other leave for family reasons and other absences. Novia encourages all parents to exercise their rights to shared parental leave.
In performance appraisals, equal attention is paid to the working conditions of all genders and the development of their work. When evaluating career development, it is appropriate to take the different types of family leave into account. Family leave during the year 2020-2021, Appendix 3.
3.3.4 Knowledge and career development
Novia promotes opportunities for different positions and provides equal career opportunities regardless of gender.
According to the personal strategy, this is achieved by allowing all employees within the framework of their position to develop their own skills through active and structured business and working life contacts, as well as through continuing education and further studies.
3.3.5 Gender equality as a part of all decision making
In accordance with the requirements of the Gender Equality Act, Novia consistently follows the principle of gender mainstreaming in all decision-making, at all levels and at all stages of the decision-making process. The Equality Act is an important instrument for promoting gender equality and means that the structures and practices of the administration are developed so that the equality objectives are taken into account in the preparation and implementation of all decisions.
If a body exercising public power or a government office, an institution or a company with a municipal or state majority has an administrative council, a board of directors or another management or administrative body consisting of elected representatives, the body shall have an equal representation of women and men, unless special reasons speak for something else
3.4 Novia as a studying environment
Novia provides a work environment and studying environment for staff and students. At Novia, there are (September 2021) 4 143 enrolled students, of whom 50% are men and 50% are women (Appendix 4).
A conscious mindset of equality should permeate Novia's activities on all levels. According to the Act on Gender Equality Between Men and Women, equal opportunities for education and advancement in the profession are given and that teaching, research and teaching materials support the purpose of the law. This obligation applies to all the bodies that arrange education and teaching in the admission of students, the organization of teaching, the assessment of student performance or in other activities of the educational institution or association, cannot put a person in a less advantageous position than others because of gender or otherwise meeting one in the factors as referred to in 7 § of (8.8.1986/609) Upon request, an educational institution or other association providing education and training shall without delay submit a written report on its procedure to a student who considers himself or herself to be discriminated.
A vacancy or a study place may not be advertised as vacant to be applied for by women or men only. The internal study environment at Novia is matched by a teaching ambience that takes into account gender issues.
The equality Act stipulates the obligation of educational institutions to draw up a gender equality plan in collaboration with representatives of staff and students, where special attention should be paid to equality being met when students are accepted, teaching is organized and study performance is assessed, as well as measures aimed at preventing and removing sexual harassment. because of gender.
The situation in the labor market is reflected in the gender distribution of the different educational programs at Novia. The strong division into male- and female-dominated industries reflects that gender equality has not yet been achieved in the labor market. Appendix 4: Distribution of students according to educational field.
3.4.1 Marketing and student recruitment
Novia seeks to counterbalance stereotyped perceptions of gender-marked industries in the marketing and recruitment business. Prospective students are informed about the opportunities to apply to professions where their own gender is a minority. Novia has a purposeful gender equality collaboration between information, marketing, recruitment and promotional tutoring. The goal is to achieve a more even gender distribution in Novia's education program.
3.4.2 Admission and assessment of students
When admitting and assessing students, weight is attached to a gender-neutral assessment.
3.4.3 Arranging of teaching
Novia wants to pay attention to gender issues both in teaching, supervision and in connection with the examination procedure. Novia attaches importance to gender issues when choosing teaching methods and teaching materials. In order to encourage education for gender equality, Novia's educational strategy includes gender equality aspects. A student at Novia acts in an environment that recognizes gender equality and actively works towards gender equality. The gender of the student is irrelevant when it comes to the success of their studies.
3.5 Sexual harassment
According to the Gender Equality Act, discrimination can be considered to exist if an employer lays off or in any other way harms a person after invoking the rights and obligations referred to in this Act or participating in the investigation of a gender discrimination case.
Discrimination according to the Act is considered to exist if an employer, after learning that an employee has been subjected to sexual harassment or other harassment on the grounds of sex, fails to take the measures available to prevent harassment.
Sexual harassment can occur in the form of:
- sexual allusions, both verbal and nonverbal
- sexual comments about appearance or privacy
- suggestions or demands on sexual acts or intercourse
- conscious sexual touch or rape
Sexual harassment is unacceptable and violates the individual's right to integrity and self-determination. It is the vulnerable party who decides how the behavior should be interpreted. The person performing the action cannot refer to the intent of the behavior. If the behavior continues despite the victim making it clear that the behavior is unacceptable, it is interpreted as sexual harassment. In case of serious sexual harassment, it is sufficient to report the perpetrator once. Harassment can take place by telephone, over the Internet or in the immediate presence of the victim.
Sexual harassment based on gender can occur in the form of:
- derogatory and debilitating talk about the opposite gender
- Bullying based on the sex or sexual orientation of the victim
The goal is that no one within Novia's staff or students is subjected to sexual harassment and that no one among Novia's staff or students carries out sexual harassment.
Together with the Students’ Union Novium, Novia is responsible for ensuring that both staff and students know what is meant by sexual harassment and how to act on these issues. The treatment of sexual harassment takes into account the power and dependency relationships that are built into Novia's structures, such as in the student - teacher and foreman - relationships subordination. This is especially important to keep in mind when Novia's foreign students with different cultures and background are informed about their legal protection in discrimination and harassment issues.
4. Equal treatment
4.1 The legal basis of equal treatment
The goal of the Discrimination Act (Dec 30,2014/1325) is to promote and secure equal treatment and to make legal protection more effective for those who have been discriminated against in such discrimination situations that fall within the scope of the law. The Discrimination Act has its roots in the Finnish Constitution, which states that everyone is equal before the law. No one may, without acceptable reason, be treated differently on grounds of gender, age, origin, language, religion, belief, opinion, health status or disability or for any other reason that applies to his or her person.
The Discrimination Act requires employers (workplaces that regularly have at least 30 employees) and educational institutions to draw up a plan for the measures that are needed to promote equality.
The Discrimination Act requires that the employer and the educational institution always have a plan for the measures needed to promote equality. In addition, the Act requires that the equality plan be drawn up in cooperation with the staff and students.
Nor can anyone under the law be disadvantaged or treated in such a way that he or she suffers from adverse consequences because he or she has made complaints or taken measures to ensure equal treatment.
In order to promote equal treatment at Novia
- especially the managers should be made aware of the equal treatment plan and apply the plan when recruiting and hiring staff
- The Head of Administration and HR should be responsible for informing
- this plan should be followed up continuously within the framework of Novia's quality work
How is discrimination, harassment and bullying defined?
Discrimination can be direct or indirect, it can be expressed as harassment or as exhortation for discrimination.
Direct discrimination - means that someone is treated less favorably than anyone else has been treated or would be treated in a comparable situation.
Indirect discrimination - it means that a seemingly neutral regulation or an apparently neutral criterion or procedure is particularly disadvantageous to someone when comparing to others, unless the regulation, criterion or procedure has an acceptable objective, and the means to achieve that objective are appropriate and necessary.
Harassment - is the violation of the dignity and integrity of a person or group of people to create a threatening, hostile, humiliating, or aggressive mood. Harassment can be defined as unwelcome, unwanted and unilateral physical or verbal behavior whose consequences are always negative to the victim. What is perceived as harassment depends on the person's own perception. Through harassment, the individual's right to self-determination and dignity is questioned. Unlike harassment which often consists of individual acts, bullying involves repeated offenses against a person over a long period of time.
Novia requires a zero tolerance environment, i.e. to prevent and impede the occurrence of all types of discrimination, harassment and bullying. Harassment interferes with work and studies, reduces motivation and can destroy the community. Serious harassment can lead to health problems, sick leave, a delay in studies and work or even a need to change workplace or study place.
What is not discrimination?
The Discrimination Act mentions five different points, which are not considered discrimination:
1. the exercise of public power or the performance of public administration duties
2. the conditions for independent occupation or business activity or support of business activities
3. obtaining education, including specialist training and retraining, or vocational guidance
4. membership or participation in an employee or employer organization or in other organizations where members carry on a particular profession, or benefits provided by such organizations
5. distinctive treatment based on ethnic origin
The Act does not prevent such special measures, the purpose of which is to achieve actual equal treatment to prevent or alleviate inconvenience caused by discrimination, according to the grounds of discrimination mentioned in the Act. The positive distinction should be proportionate to the goal pursued. Achieving actual equality is about changing attitudes and this can be achieved through conscious action in each election so that discrimination and inequality can be avoided.
4.2 Novia as a working and studying environment
Novia provides a collective work and study environment for staff and students. A conscious mindset of equality should permeate Novia's activities on all levels. This means that equality issues should be taken into account in all activities, such as information dissemination and marketing, personnel policy and recruitment, decision-making and meeting practice, and elections. At Novia, an atmosphere should be maintained, where people belonging to different minorities feel welcome.
Novia should promote the opportunities for employees and students to develop their skills. Employees' knowledge, experience and interests in teaching, research, administration and other work should be utilized. Novia offers all employees and students a stimulating and safe studying and working environment. Employees and students are responsible for not creating a negative atmosphere through their activities or comments.
All employees and all students are responsible for their behavior. Each employee is responsible for ensuring that he or she does not commit discrimination, for example, in the distribution of work, in assessing study performance or in supervising students. All employees and students should be treated with the same respect. There is reason to remember that the experience of discrimination and harassment is personal, which is why it is important to behave respectfully in all contexts. Although everyone shares the responsibility that discrimination should not occur at Novia, employees in managerial positions bear a special responsibility for maintaining a non-discrimination working environment. The staff should set a good example. When an employee or a student feels exposed to bullying, discrimination or harassment, it is important that the case is brought forward. Instruction can be found in the manual for prevention and management of bullying in the workplace.
A student who has been discriminated against should first contact the Student Union Novium's harassment representative. The student advocacy secretary serves as the harassment representative of Novium. Students can also turn to the student pastor and to the student health care system.
4.2.1 Disability, health condition and medical history
In order to promote equal treatment, the person who performs a job or arranges education, if necessary, takes reasonable steps to enable a person with a disability to gain access to work or education, and to enable him to cope with his work and be able to advance in working life. Some illnesses can cause prejudice or fear, which can lead to discrimination. Novia strives for everyone in their work and studies to have the same rights and opportunities regardless of disability, illness or health condition. Health conditions or medical history must not lead to discrimination. An accessible university of applied sciences means that a person, regardless of special characteristics, can function equally in the physical, mental and social environment.
Disability refers to lasting physical, mental or social limitations of a person's ability to function in relation to their environment. It can, for example, apply to disability, visual or hearing impairments, speech and learning difficulties, developmental disabilities, mental illness or other illnesses. Disability should not mean restricted access to work, education or spaces. In particular, the Act emphasizes the ability of persons with disabilities to participate in the activities, including those organized in addition to working hours and studies. The opportunity for disabled people to participate in study life on equal terms should be sought in all respects. The work community should also be responsible for taking into account disabilities when arranging activities that are outside the work or study environment.
When recruiting people for positions, disability, health status, illness history or appearance on unreasonable grounds must not affect the decision, nor can students be denied a place of study for such reasons. If changes in the state of health affect how the tasks can be performed, they must first be discussed with the person in question individually.
There are a number of programs that are covered by SORA legislation and for these exams, the training provider has the right to request a certificate of student health and functional ability, to request extracts from criminal backgrounds and the right to withdraw or restore study rights. The educational organizer is obliged to inform about SORA and the special health conditions requirements set in certain programs
The deans take special measures when people with disabilities participate in teaching, research and other work and for students who wish to participate in entrance exams.
In order for Novia to become an accessible university for all and to prevent discrimination on the grounds of disability, health status or medical history, Novia's physical, mental and social accessibility should be improved by addressing deficiencies that appear through notifications, in work climate studies and equality mapping conducted by the deans together with the occupational safety manager.
4.2.2 Ethnical background, language and nationality
Discrimination legislation provides preconditions for persons of a different ethnic origin than Finnish to work and study without being discriminated against. Novia is an international place of work and study with individuals of different origins, nationality, cultural backgrounds and languages. Novia works actively for a working and studying environment that is characterized by diversity and openness to different cultures. For Novia to be a pleasant place to work and study, it is assumed that everyone is treated equally. At the same time, Novia continuously strives to be an internationally recognized university, which means that Novia is increasingly developing in a multicultural direction.
Racism, which can manifest itself in the form of prejudice, discrimination, negative attitudes and degrading behavior towards ethnic minorities, immigrants and foreigners, is something that does not belong in the university culture. Anti-racist activities and the general promotion of diversity and openness should permeate Novia's entire business.
Novia's most important information concerning foreign students and employees is provided in English. Essential information of a lasting nature, as well as information concerning the legal and employee protection of staff and students, is issued in Swedish and is provided with an English summary.
4.2.3 Religion, conviction and opinion
Every employee or student has the right to their religion and the right to express their conviction. The Constitution of Finland provides for freedom of religion, conscience and opinion. Novia requires tolerance and respect for the opinions and views of others. Different views on religion, politics or beliefs must not affect how an employee or student is treated or he or she meets other members of the community. Everyone who participates in Novia's activity has the right to express their beliefs or religion and the right to refrain from doing so. Everyone should have equal rights and opportunities regardless of religion or other belief.
4.2.4 Age
Staff and students of varying ages at Novia are considered an asset. A person's age must not affect how they are treated. Appendix 5. Development of age distribution among staff.
4.2.5 Sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression
Everyone at Novia should have the same rights and opportunities regardless of sexual orientation. This means, among other things, that employees 'or students' sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression should not be questioned or forced into exclusion through a unilateral heteronormative perspective. The sexual identity should be seen as the person's private matter. Everyone has the right to tell or to refrain from telling about their privacy, including their sexual orientation or identity. Novia works to prevent prejudice and discrimination against persons belonging to a sexual minority or a gender minority.
More about Novia's work on sexual harassment and gender discrimination can be found in section 3.5 and 4.1.
5. The organization of equal treatment
Equal treatment means that employees and students who are comparable are treated equally in the same situations regardless of gender, age, nationality or any other personal characteristics.
At Novia there is an Occupational Safety Committee including two councils from each of the Novia's locations of operation (Vaasa, Jakobstad, Turku and Raseborg). The Occupational Safety Committee is a collaborative body to reconcile equal treatment issues within Novia. This means that the committee handles and engages with equal treatment issues within Novia. Matters are recorded and are followed up but can, if necessary, be delegated for investigation to another person or group within Novia.
The Occupational Safety Committee consists of representatives of employers, employees and students and thus meets the law's requirements for representation. The Occupational Safety Manager is Novia's equal treatment representative. The student representative in the Occupational Safety Committee is appointed by the Student Union's Board. At the same time, the student representative in the Occupational Safety Committee is an equal treatment representative for the students.
Any remarks or suspicions about discrimination or lack of equality are primarily addressed via Occupational Safety Manager to the Occupational Safety Committee what it comes to staff. Students are primarily directed to the Equality representative appointed by the Student Union Board. In addition, matters of a sensitive nature can be addressed to the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman.
Distribution of tasks and responsibilities
the Occupational Safety Committee:
- compiles the annual follow-up reports included in the activity report
- prepares the annual revision of the equality plan on the basis of section 5 of the Act on Equality between Women and Men
- responsible for the plan being published and disseminated at the campus
- receives requests for inquiries, surveys, complaints, inquiries regarding gender issues
- provides advice to management and acts as an advisory body on issues of gender equality on a general level
- provides information on current issues concerning gender equality
- follows with statistics on sick and parental leave
- initiates staff training on gender equality issues
Gender equality representative and students’ equality representative:
- handles complaints and inquiries and passes them on to the Occupational Safety Committee if necessary
- provides information about current issues concerning gender equality
- addresses issues of gender equality in the annual performance appraisals with the employees
- compiles a report to Occupational Safety Committee on what has emerged in the talks, which contravene the principles of equality
- appoints the gender equality representative
- approves the annual revision of the Gender Equality Plan
6. Evaluation of measures
The Plan for Equality and Equal Treatment is a plan for how the organization promotes equality, preventing and intervening in discrimination within its own operations, as an employer and higher education institution.
The purpose of equality planning is to evaluate and develop operations with a view to realize equality and to ensure that Novia’s operations are equal. Equality planning aims to improve actual equality.
Employers must process the promotion of equality and the effectiveness of their measures, together with their personnel. Education providers and educational institutions must always give students the opportunity to be heard in regards to the promotion measures.
The impact of the plan's measures is actively monitored through the analysis of statistics and survey results.
A staff survey is to be carried out biennially. The content and the results of the survey are processed with an external partner. A renewed survey and method for processing the results in 2020 increased the response rate. Through this, it was possible to collect valuable information and create unit-specific action plans with follow-up routines. According to the survey conducted in 2021, 88 % of employees felt that they are treated equally. (Annex 5)
The annual Student Barometer serves as Novia's main customer satisfaction indicator from a student perspective. The national AVOP feedback survey, which students answer in the event of an examination, is also of great importance (Annexes 6 and 7)
The Student Barometer is the university's tool in which students' experiences regarding their studies are measured with the intention of developing their activities. The barometer is open for about 2 weeks each year, containing both qualitative and quantitative questions.
Routine description GQAP14 describes how the annual Student Barometer is conducted. A graphical summary of the results are published in the intranet. The qualitative responses – including individual comments touching on a lack of equal treatment – are important to note and to ensure that all comments reach the person who can address them adequately.
The statistics service of the Education Administration offers information on applicants in joint applications and separate applications. When analyzing the results over several years, it can be seen that diversity has been taken into account within Novia's marketing activities (Appendix 8).
In order to support and strengthen students' well-being and study ability, Novia has developed support functions and services through its project activities in cooperation with students, including low-threshold services that are temporary through various channels.
The development of information and guidance takes place within ordinary activities and through a new digital wellbeing platform, as well as through the development of online services for both students and staff.
The proportion of international students and staff is gradually increasing. The need for English-language materials and instructions has increased. From the point of view of equality, it is important that all important material will also be available in English.
7. Entry into force, follow-up and evaluation
This equality and equal treatment plan will enter into force on 15 June 2022 when it has been approved by the management group of Novia.
The plan serves as an overview of Novia's gender equality and non-discrimination activities, but also contains an action plan with concrete proposals for action (Appendix 9). Reporting on the state of equality will be monitored and revised annually (Appendices 1-5). The equality and non-discrimination plan will be evaluated at the end of the plan period.
Appendix 1. Number of employees by gender and line of business as of Dec 31, 2021
Appendix 2. Average salary €/month, Dec 2021
Appendix 3. Reconciliation, gender distribution, age structure, reconciliation of work and family life 2020- 2021
Appendix 4. Students present 09/2020 and 09/2021 according to the Ministry of Education and Culture's steering area and gender.
Appendix 5. Employee survey: Equality in the workplace 2020
Appendix 6. Student feedback in connection with the AVOP examination in 2021 (Higher Vocational Education)
Appendix 7. Student feedback in connection with the AVOP examination in 2020-2021 (Higher Vocational Education, Higher Vocational Education) funding model questions (extracts of the answers to selected question groups)
Appendix 8. Applicant data 2020-2021 (age group, mother tongue, gender)
Appendix .9 Action plan, Equality and equal treatment plan 2022-2024
Internal research forms
Discrimination Act 1325/2014
The Constitution of Finland 731/1999
Act on Equality between Women and Men 609/1986, updated 1329/2014
Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014