Workshop: Circular Economy in Wood Building Industries

Over the next 10 years, the demand for global construction is expected to increase by 70 %. This is a challenge in a world where resources are becoming scarce. To address this burning issue it is required to develop new models and practices for the construction industry in order to prepare the trade for the future. Circular economy (CE) is an industrial system that replaces the traditional linear business model with a circular one. For companies this means introducing new business models based on repair, reuse, refurbishing, remanufacturing and recycling.

Umeå University together with partners from Finland, under a project funded by Botnia Atlantica, is studying on ways to facilitate the uptake of circular economy practices in wood building industries in Northern region. In connection with the project Umeå University is organizing a workshop wherein speakers will talk about a few aspects on circular economy.

The workshop is free and will take place on Wednesday 19th February (08:45 - 14:45) in “Sliperiet”, Umeå.


08:45 - 09:00    Coffee and Registration

09:00 - 09:10    Welcome and project introduction
Thomas Olofsson and Lars Lindbergh, Umeå University

09:10 - 09:30    Vad betyder hållbarhet för handelshögskolan?
Sofia Lundberg, Professor of Economics, Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistic.

09:30 - 09:50    Hållbar utveckling ur ett kommunalt perspektiv – omställning till missionsdriven innovation
Albert Edman, RISE och innovationsstrateg, Viable cities

09:50 - 10:10    Student design-build projects in wood
James Brown, Associate professor, Umeå School of Architecture

10:10 - 10:25    Coffee Break and Mingle

10:25 - 10:45    Träbyggande som strategi ur ett livscykelperspektiv
Ulf Wiklund, Affärschef, Tyréns

10:45 - 11:05    Does gender matter in a Circular Economy?
Gun Lidestav, Associate professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

11:05 - 11:30    Us before me, Rethinking how we use resources
Frank Figge, Professor of CSR and Sustainable Development at Kedge Business School, Marseille, France.

11:30 - 12:30    Lunch

12:30 - 13:00    Trähus i kallt klimat
Ulf Nordwall, PEAB Sverige AB, Region Bygg Nord.

13:00 - 13:20    Case study: Sara Kulturhus, Skellefteå
Oskar Norelius, White arkitekter AB

13:20 - 13:30    Coffee Break

13:30 - 14:30    Discussion on increasing adoption of CE in wood building industry

14:30 - 14:45    Wrap up and summary of the workshop
Albert Edman

For further information on Seminar contact Thomas Olofsson ( or Lars Lindbergh (

Open program as pdf

Logos of project financiers and partners

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