From stumbles to strides: The confidence boost of language immersion 18/07/2024
Aina Rodriguez Angelet's language journey started back in Barcelona learning Swedish through an app. Today she works at a Swedish-language University of Applied Sciences in Vaasa, Finland.

Vaasa region works on attracting and retaining international students 15/06/2023
Finland is known for having one of the world's best education systems. The high ranking attracts a large number of international students to pursue an education in Finland. In the Vaasa region, integration support plays a big role in making international students want to stay after completing their studies.

International graduates – still a missed opportunity for the Finnish job market 26/04/2023
Research on the benefits of cultural diversity conducted by Business Finland has found that having an international workforce boosts the productivity of companies, as it contributes to expanding new market areas, networks, and clients. Additionally, businesses that hire foreign staff are notably more likely than other businesses to say that their company has grown significantly during the last five years.

Narrowing your way into your Big Dream 03/11/2022
Having trouble finding a job in Finland, Reuben Odotei wondered for years if something was wrong with him, if he wasn't good enough. We dive into his challenging yet motivating journey.

Breaking the ‘cultural’ ice 27/07/2022
With a growing shortage of skilled labour in many fields, Finland is notably trying to attract and retain more skilled internationals. Welcoming skilled labour from abroad can definitely boost the national economy and growth. However, while natural ice (which there is a lot of) can be endured quite simply by wearing more layers of clothes, breaking the cultural ice is more complex.

Talent programmes help international engineers combat employment barriers in Finland 27/04/2022
Engineers are in high demand on the Finnish job market. Therefore, one would think that skilled international engineers would easily find their dream jobs here. Unfortunately, as Omar Hamdy found out, international engineers may face several barriers to employment in Finland. However, there is help to be found.

When passion and specific skills meet concrete business needs 04/02/2022
What do Vietnamese TV commercials for milk from 2006 have in common with business analysis of the Vietnamese market in 2021 for the use of Ostrobothnian companies? The common denominator is Nhat Pham, one of the students who recently participated in the Vaasa International Talents programme.

A clear focus helped to land the traineeship of her dreams 20/1/2022
Many international students in Vaasa struggle with finding internships and summer jobs relating to their field of study. This is often the case even for those who already have a degree as well as work experience from their home country. Thankfully, there are exceptions, which prove that an international student can find his or her dream job against all odds.

Cultural understanding is key to great communication 13/12/2021
Communication can be tricky. We often have an idea of what we would like to say to, for example, our potential customers, but how can we be sure that our message comes through as intended? This question becomes even more relevant and complex when we want to reach a multicultural – global – audience.

From conflict reporting in Egypt to project work for the City of Vaasa 03/12/2021
When you meet Hagar ElBarbary from Egypt for the first time, you would never guess her thrilling work background. It might be too easy to think that people from other countries coming to Finland and Vaasa to study do not have much to offer or teach us. However, Hagar's story is a perfect example of how easily we might lose fantastic opportunities if we fail to be open to diversity and to recognise its enormous potential – in working life and in our personal lives.

From international insurance in Uganda to Vaasa International Talents 03/12/2021
When people think of an "international student", they might automatically envision a very young person who has moved to Finland for the primary reason of getting a university degree. In reality, the umbrella term "international students" encompasses people with very different backgrounds, life situations and experiences of studies and working life.

Could making a difference be easier than we think? 23/04/2021
Various reports show that the lack of needed competencies and workforce is a major obstacle for the growth of Finnish businesses. Several national initiatives support and promote efforts to increase both work-based immigration and international students' employment.