What is Vaasa International Talents?
Vaasa International Talents is a programme that wants to make it easier for international Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students in Vaasa to integrate into the region’s job market.
The Programme aims to bridge the gap between the regions’ companies and other working life actors and the talented international people studying at the higher education institutions in Vaasa.
We want to make use of our region’s already existing ecosystem of networks to help our students get access into our society and working life.
Photo Credit: Tareque Mahmud
How do we do it?
Through the programme, participants can develop their skills for Finnish working life, find networking opportunities and get different types of connections to working life actors in the region.
The project is under the operations of the Vaasa Consortium of Higher Education and is carried out as a joint effort by five higher education institutions: University of Vaasa, VAMK University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Åbo Akademi University, and Hanken School of Economics.
Why are we doing this?
Hundreds of international students are each year studying for a degree in Vaasa. Many of these students want to stay in the region after graduation, but the lack of e.g. personal networks makes it many times difficult for them to find a job.
On the other hand, many reports show that one major obstacle for the growth and internationalization of companies and organisations is the lack of needed competences. At the same time, the competition for the best talents is harsh and global.
Greetings from our lecturers
Johanna Kakkuri - HR Professional
Anna Bertils - Communications Professional