
Visit to Santa Dorotea Farm

Agroforestry in Nyland and Agroforestry Business Model Innovation Network (AF4EU) jointly organise a meeting at Santa Dorotea farm Wednesday 12.6.2024

We will learn more about Santa Dorotea farm and its business in Sipoo (Boxintie 899, 01190 Box), which grows ecologically grown vegetables, berries and cut flowers. The produce is sold direct to local customers in vegetable bags with a weekly subscription. The company also designs, builds and manages gardens in southern Finland.

09:30-10:00 Coffee/tea
10:00-12:00 Presentation of the farm and activities (Alexi Jutras).
12:00-13:00 Lunch (provided by the projects)
13:00-14:00 Agroforestry in Nyland and Agroforestry Business Model Innovation Network (AF4EU), joint discussion

Register by Friday 7.6.2023

We are outside all day. Choose clothes according to the weather!

Contact us for more information:
Agroforestry i Nyland: Joshua Finch,, 050 407 1636
Agroforestry Business Model Innovation Network (AF4EU): Tanja Kähkönen,, 050 401 7985