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Alumni stories

Riaz's journey in Finland

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Today, we are introducing Riaz Mahmud, a member of the Vaasa International Talents programme Round 4. Originally from Bangladesh, with experiences also from India, Riaz's journey to Finland was sparked by a friend's recommendation to explore the country for study opportunities. Intrigued, Riaz researched about Finland and its universities and ultimately moved last autumn to start his studies. He is pursuing his Master's degree programme in Industrial Systems Analytics at the University of Vaasa.


Riaz work life in Finland

Riaz came across a project in his university that caught his attention. He had worked on similar things during his bachelor’s studies and the project seemed to be made for him.  He contacted his current supervisor for further information and applied for the position. He admits it was not easy to land the job, he had to prove his skills by doing several exercises and then pass an interview.

Now, Riaz, in his role as project researcher at the University of Vaasa, works with autonomy under the guidance of his supervisor. Specializing in technology for management, Riaz is dedicated to developing a software aimed at optimizing transportation and logistics processes in industries, thus contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions. He is driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact with his work and finds satisfaction in contributing to a more sustainable world.

Cultural and professional observations

Since Riaz works in a “one-man team” as he calls it, he explains that his interactions with Finnish working culture are limited. During his time in the Vaasa International Talents Programme sessions, Riaz learned about the Finnish approach of trusting employees, giving them freedom, and expecting them to take initiative and be motivated on their own. This is something that he quickly noticed at his workplace. Additionally, he highlights that in Finland if your supervisor does not constantly praise you, it does not mean you are performing poorly. It just means that if there is something to improve, they will let you know directly.

Vaasa International Talents programme

Riaz acknowledges the support received from the coaching sessions with Anna Bertills and Johanna Kakkuri. The guidance he received, particularly in preparing for an interview, proved to be extremely helpful in the recruitment process of his current job.

Inspired by the personal journeys shared within the programme, Riaz highlights the connections forged with other programme participants, lecturers, company representatives, and the staff of the programme.

Aspirations and goals

Looking ahead, Riaz sees himself engaged in work that is both impactful and fulfilling, blending research and collaboration, his two interests. He likes peace and quiet, and that is why Finland’s atmosphere aligns with him, making it a great place for his aspirations. Riaz stays open to new chances, knowing that his path will be influenced by what comes his way.

Riaz's Advice for newcomers

Riaz encourages other internationals to embrace diversity and break free from the what is known and familiar. He promotes open-mindedness and self-determination. He mentions the importance of carving your own path and seizing opportunities with resilience and determination.


We cannot wait to see the adventures that await in you, Riaz!