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Alumni stories

K's journey in Finland

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Khin Phyu Cyn Kyi, or K as we all know her, embarked on a life-changing journey that led her from Myanmar to Finland and to become a member of Vaasa International Talents Round 4. With a background in civil engineering but a passion for communications and marketing, K made the bold decision to change both her career path and her country of residence. 

The decision to move to Finland was not one made lightly. Introduced to the idea by her father, K researched her options and found Finland to be a great fit. Drawn by its safety, European location, and widespread proficiency in English, Finland offered the environment for K to pursue her studies. This way, in August 2022, K started her Bachelor's program in Business Administration, majoring in International Business at VAMK. 


Her professional journey in Finland 

At VAMK Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, she got the opportunity to do an internship in Marketing and Communications. Her role as trainee is focused on the international communications of the university and some of her most relevant tasks are creating social media content, developing a podcast series for international students, and representing VAMK at various events and job forums. The team in which K works adapted smoothly to communicating in English. The team were not previously used to using English in their daily work, and they have expressed to K that they have become more fluent as a result.

Cultural insight at the work place 

One of the most surprising things for K in Finland was the emphasis on work-life balance. Being used to long hours and expected overtime in her homeland, K was pleasantly surprised by the Finnish approach, where overtime was not expected but offered willingly by employees when necessary.

The Vaasa International Talents Programme experience 

As a participant in the Vaasa International Talents Programme, K found herself immersed in a supportive community she highlights. She has enjoyed meeting and listening to the stories and experiences of other internationals about moving to Finland. K explains to have found inspiration and motivation in the personal journeys of the programme’s alumni and, gained invaluable knowledge about the Vaasa region and its opportunities thanks to the lectures and work life representatives that have collaborated with the programme.

Aspirations for the future 

Looking ahead, K can see herself in Finland after graduation, drawn by the country’s opportunities for professional growth and exploration. Despite missing the heat and sun at times, she appreciates Finland's clean air and peacefulness. She believes Finland offers her the opportunity to professionally explore herself, which excites her.

K’s advice for newcomers 

Reflecting on her experience, K advises fellow internationals to maintain an open mind, be proactive in their integration efforts. Learning the local language, even at a basic level, might be key for them to unlock new opportunities and foster meaningful connections. Also, she mentions to follow what is going on in the city where you live. She has been very active by attending all kinds of social and cultural events in Vaasa.

As she continues to navigate her path in Finland, one thing is certain – the journey is just beginning for K, and the possibilities are endless.