
NylAF – Agroforestry i Nyland

Welcome to the Agroforestry in Nyland (NylAF) homepage!

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Upcoming Events

  • Visit to Santa Dorotea Farm in Sipoo. Wednesday, June 12th, 2024. Register by June 7th at the latest. For more information, read more here!
  • Open Day at Lill-Nägels. Saturday, June 15th, 2024. One tour at 10:30 (takes about one hour). Register by June 13th at the latest. 
  • Open Bookings Available: Discuss the project with the project manager for 30-40 minutes. If interested, please send an email to the project leader (joshua.finch (at) for the link. Booking times are generally in the afternoon after 14:00.

Past Events (Truncated)

  • Agroforestry Open Weekend. Saturday, May 18th, 2024. Two tours: 10-11 and 13-14. For full details, see our page on the Agroforestry Open Weekend webpage!
  • Agroforestry in Nyland: Open Interest Event 1. Thursday, March 21, 2024. 10:15-11:30. Online through Microsoft Teams. 
NylAF 3WP from FAN Presentation

Agroforestry in Nyland is a three year development project (2024-2026) organized by Novia and funded by the European Union.

After successfully initiating a next generation agroforestry system at Lill-Nägels in Kirkkonummi, we have expanded our scope for this next project to include other farms and the agricultural community as a whole.

We have three main work packages for this project-

4b Illustrated Agroforestry Typology. 75pc. 10.03.2023. Joshua Finch. EN

Work Package 1: Agroforestry Design Teams
  • We will be inviting farmers to join together in an effort to produce case studies of agroforestry for their farms
  • Our team will be providing resources and training for farmers to learn how to bring together their current knowledge of their farm with planning tools for agroforestry, so that they can be confident in their ability to assess, compare, and plan these complex systems
  • By the end of the project, we wish to publish at least 10 case studies of agroforestry systems designed for real farms by real people in Uusimaa
  • These case studies will hopefully cover a range of different agroforestry systems and provide the basis for understanding the motivations to incorporate agroforestry into working farms, the design challenges and opportunities, and the business case for each system
  • Interested to learn more? Click here for the Design Team page


Work Package 2: Agroforestry for Advisors and Consultants
    • Farmers in Finland have access to quality advisory and consultancy services, especially through the Neuvo 2030 program
    • Our goal is to invite agricultural professionals who offer these kinds of services to learn more about agroforestry and participate in the Design Teams to help round out our knowledge base and provide additional insight
    • Advisors and consultants who participate in our program will have a better understanding of the nuance and application of agroforestry systems
    • Interested to learn more? Click here for the Advisor and Consultant page [coming soon]


1 Lill-Nägels Sept 18 2023

Work Package 3: The Lill-Nägels Agroforestry Pilot Project
  • We will continue to monitor, manage, and farm at the Lill-Nägels project in Kirkkonummi to gather information about this novel system, gaining valuable insights into how agroforestry works in practice
  • As before, our primary goal is to facilitate the regeneration of degraded agricultural soil through supporting the diverse plant communities we have planted or will plant in the future
  • Once the soil is on a trajectory towards fertility, we will implement strip cropping with novel and tested regenerative farming practices in the alleys between the crops
  • Full information is provided in our dedicated website


Project Funding

The project is funded by Uusimaa's Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment (ELY-Keskus) and Novia UAS for the project period of 2024-2026.